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Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization
G. Shipley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Cambridge Dictionary of Classical Civilization provides an authoritative survey of the classical world, combining the traditional strengths of classical subjects with new approaches examining the social... czytaj dalej

Sex Wars
L. Duggan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is a collection of essays written during the 1980s and 1990s, generated as parts of other, larger activist efforts going on at the time. Read together, the essays trace the progress of the conversations... czytaj dalej

In Conflict & Order Understanding Society
D. Eitzen Wydawnictwo: inne

This introductory text, written from a conflict perspective, emphasizes four themes: diversity, the struggle to achieve social justice, economic and global transformations in the U.S., and a global perspective... czytaj dalej

Tests of Global Governance
A. Cooper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A detailed examination of what happens when traditional diplomatic methods interface with new forms of global governance. ... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology
E. Aronson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For an undergraduate introductory level course in social psychology. This renowned text maintains its acclaimed story-telling approach to convey the science of social psychology while making research relevant... czytaj dalej

History of the World
J.A.S. Grenville Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A follow on from successful publication The History of the World in the 20th Century, this edition has been thoroughly updated and includes discussions on 9/11 and the second Gulf War and takes into account... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 3 vols
P. Finkelman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This encyclopedia on American history and law is the first devoted to examining the issues of civil liberties and their relevance to major current events while providing a historical context and a philosophical... czytaj dalej

Gale Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes v 2
Sharon Malinowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new set offers students and researchers thorough, objective and systematic essays on the history, culture and current status of all federally recognized Native American groups -- approximately 400 in all... czytaj dalej

Yasir Arafat
Ruben Wydawnictwo: inne

Yasir Arafat stands as one of the most resilient, recognisable and controversial political figures of modern times. The object of unrelenting suspicion, steady admiration and endless speculation, Arafat has... czytaj dalej

Statistics for the Terrified
G. Kranzler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book offers reluctant, math-phobic students a unique blend of humour and common sense in a brief introduction to statistics for the social sciences. The objective of the book is two-fold- (1) to give students... czytaj dalej