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Jewish Relational Care A-Z
J. Bloom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Self-relations is a powerful framework for doing respectful and human caregiving for your self as well as for others. "Jewish Relational Care A - Z" is an extensive source for caregiving techniques... czytaj dalej

Evaluating Soial Funds
L. Rawlings Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The social fund has become one of the main tools of community-led poverty reduction. A departure from traditional central government-led approaches to development, social funds encourage communities and local... czytaj dalej

Gdy cierpienie mnie przerasta
Danuta Mastalska Wydawnictwo: Salwator

Gdy cierpienie mnie przerasta ? najlepszy antybiotyk w obliczu cierpienia i zranienia duchowe * jak ?uniknąć? cierpienia wewnętrznego, które bardzo boli? * ?nadać sens cierpieniu? - dobrze... czytaj dalej

News Production
S. Niblock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bringing to the forefront a much-needed book that bridges the gap between journalistic theory and practice, Sarah Niblock and David Machin provide here an invaluable real-life account of reporting in the context... czytaj dalej

Yearbook Commercial Arbitration 2005
A. Berg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This year the Yearbook Commercial Arbitrationhas reached the milestone of thirty years of documenting the law and practice of international commercial arbitration. The Yearbook provides up-to-date and informative... czytaj dalej

A-list Workout
Shaffer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Want a Hollywood body like Angelina, J. Lo, Jessica, or Uma? Here's the inside scoop! How do Uma Thurman, Penelope Cruz, and Jennifer Garner manage to look so sleek and sculpted on and off the red carpet? They... czytaj dalej

Charging Ahead
Mann Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is the first comprehensive treatment of credit cards in the global economy. The topic is timely not only because of the attention focused on cards as a contributor to the substantial rise in consumer... czytaj dalej

Matrixial Borderspace
Ettinger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is a groundbreaking intertwining of the philosophy of art and psychoanalytic theory. Artist, psychoanalyst, and feminist theorist Bracha Ettinger presents an original theoretical exploration of shared... czytaj dalej

Zioła w przedszkolu
Martina Rusch Wydawnictwo: Jedność

Pachnący ziołami ogród jest idealnym sposobem na uczenie dzieci szacunku do przyrody. Zioła mają różnorodne zastosowanie w gotowaniu, zabawach i majsterkowaniu, jak również niosą człowiekowi ulgę w wielu codziennych... czytaj dalej

A. Greeley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

For several years now, the Roman Catholic Church and the institution of the priesthood itself have been at the center of a firestorm of controversy. While many of the criticisms lodged against the actions of... czytaj dalej