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Politically, it was as the ideological wellspring behind the self-styled 'Islamic Revolution' of 1979 that Shi'ism first came to world attention, garnering for itself a reputation as an alien, militant and... czytaj dalej
This ambitious study offers a radical reassessment of one of the most important concepts of the Romantic period - the imagination. In contrast to traditional accounts, John Whale locates the Romantic imagination... czytaj dalej
This book analyzes the growth of the Indian telecommunications industry in the era of liberalization - a period which has witnessed significant changes. Providing a detailed critique of government policy... czytaj dalej
`Lively and impressive. I can easily imagine this text being used by both gender and women's studies undergraduates and postgraduates. In particular it will enable students to get a sense of how older and... czytaj dalej
This volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Their work spans the social sciences, humanities, and the law. Those scholars... czytaj dalej
Yasir Arafat stands as one of the most resilient, recognisable and controversial political figures of modern times. The object of unrelenting suspicion, steady admiration and endless speculation, Arafat has... czytaj dalej
Created for the occasion of his twenty-fifth anniversary as Pope, John Paul II: A Light for the World provides a celebration in photographs and word of the courageous pastor who guides more than one billion... czytaj dalej
Niniejsza książka składa się z dwóch części: pierwsza przedstawia zbiór mitów, rytuałów oraz symboli związanych z zawodami górnika, hutnika i kowala widzianych oczami historyka religii; system ideowy i techniki... czytaj dalej
Americans have become excessively fearful, and manipulation through fear has become a significant problem in American society, with real impact on policy. By using data from 9/11, this book makes a distinctive... czytaj dalej
"The Handbook of Gender and Communication" begins from the premise that gender is, at once, an aspect of both individual identity and of social structure that dramatically and relentlessly shapes... czytaj dalej