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How can civil society and global governors come together in new ways to improve links among trade, environmental and social values? In this important and wide-ranging volume, an unparalleled array of contributors... czytaj dalej
Isaiah Berlin made a now classic distinction between negative and positive conceptions of freedom. In this book Yildiz Silier introduces a fresh way of looking at these conceptions and presents a new defence... czytaj dalej
Deconstructing Heterosexism in the Counseling Professions uses the personal narratives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual counselling psychologists and counsellor educators in order to deconstruct... czytaj dalej
In this book, one of India's foremost business consultants provides an invaluable insight into India's current economic and social problems and how they can be resolved. Taking a close look at the current... czytaj dalej
The United States has some claim to have risen to a position of intellectual dominance in the social sciences in the post-war years. American social scientists are key players in international conferences... czytaj dalej
This collection brings together key articles and book chapters to provide an overview of research design for the social sciences, focusing on the purpose and nature of research design - the architecture of... czytaj dalej
American Defense Policy has been a mainstay for instructors of courses in political science, international relations, military affairs, and American national security for over 25 years. The updated and thoroughly... czytaj dalej
From his strenuous opposition to physician-assisted suicide to his conviction that sex-correction surgery for newborns is cruel and misguided, Dr. Paul R. McHugh's opinions are strong and often controversial... czytaj dalej
A Great scholar examines how history has shaped the identity of the Middle East. Most of the modern states of the Middle East are of recent origin, yet the region is the birthplace of 3 religions and many civilisations... czytaj dalej
This book provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of personality and intelligence, as well as covering other variables underlying academic and occupational performance. Personality and Intellectual... czytaj dalej