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Encyclopedia of Palestinians
Mattar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Palestinian people and their region are continually in the news and at the forefront of international diplomacy, yet much about their history remains obscure. The Encyclopedia of the Palestinians objectively... czytaj dalej

Rozkoszna zaraza
Szlendak Tomasz , Pietrowicz Krzysztof Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Moda jest bardzo ważnym mechanizmem budowania więzi społecznej w erze postzakazowej. Można powiedzieć, że bez sprawnie funkcjonującej maszynerii mody społeczeństwa kręgu kultury euroamerykańskiej w swojej obecnej... czytaj dalej

Urban Sociology
Morris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book offers a coherant theoretical introduction to urban sociology. Based on the urban theory of Louis Wirth, it systematically examines Wirth's principal ideas in the contexts of pre-industrial cities... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Communication Disorders 3e
Owens Wydawnictwo: inne

Introduction to Communication Disorders: A Life Span Perspective, Third Edition,is a comprehensive overview of the fields of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, written in an appealing and highly readable... czytaj dalej

Urban Planning Methods
Bracken Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In order to develop and exercise their skills urban planners need to draw upon a wide variety of methods relating to plan and policy making, urban research and policy analysis. More than ever, planners need... czytaj dalej

Practical Guide to Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in the
N. Pachler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This practical guide offers valuable support for student-teachers and teachers in their early professional development. Divided into three sections it covers: key pedagogical issues and planning developing... czytaj dalej

Personality Theories
L. Brannon Wydawnictwo: inne

Organized by individual theorists, this comprehensive text examines the major movements in the field through an historic and humanistic approach. This text provides a comprehensive introduction to the key personality... czytaj dalej

Globalization & After
S. Dasgupta Wydawnictwo: angielskie

While accepting that globalization is here to stay, the distinguished contributors to this volume share a scepticism regarding the claims made about its supposed benefits. They believe instead that the present... czytaj dalej

Joining Together
D. Johnson Wydawnictwo: inne

This best-selling text presents a broad, integrative overview of group dynamics presented in a well researched, readable, and experiential format. This text introduces readers to the theory and research findings... czytaj dalej

Catastrophe & Meaning
M. Postone Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This collection features essays that consider the role of anti-semitism in the recounting of the Holocaust; the place of the catastrophe in the narrative of twentieth century history;the questions of agency... czytaj dalej