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Business & Culture of Digital Games
Kerr Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book explores the lifecycle of digital games. Drawing upon a broad range of media studies perspectives with aspects of sociology, social theory and economics, Aphra Kerr explores this all-pervasive,... czytaj dalej

Life After... Engineering and Built Environment
S. Longson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thousands of students graduate from university each year. The lucky few have the rest of their lives mapped out in perfect detail - but for most things are not nearly so simple. Armed with your hard-earned... czytaj dalej

Studia nad żydofilią
Michalkiewicz Stanisław Wydawnictwo: von Borowiecky

Czy możliwy jest antysemityzm bez Żydów? Autorzy twierdzą, że nie i udowadniają, że w Polsce wśród klasy rządzącej wciąż panują Żydzi.... czytaj dalej

False Papers
Melson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Operating under the theory that one needed to be seen in order not to be noticed, the Jewish Mendelsohn family became not just ordinary Polish Catholics, but the Zamojskis, a Polish family of noble lineage... czytaj dalej

Colonial Spanish-American City
J. Kinsbruner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The colonial Spanish-American city, like its counterpart across the Atlantic, was an outgrowth of commercial enterprise. A center of entrepreneurial activity and wealth, it drew people seeking a better life... czytaj dalej

Awakening Lives Autobiographies of Jewish Youth in Poland Be
Shandler Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This never-before-published collection of autobiographies written by young Polish Jews in the 1930s is extraordinary. Candid and filled with poignancy, the writings reveal not only the personal struggles, ambitions... czytaj dalej

Rescued from the Reich
P. Hyman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Rigg (history, American Military U. and Southern Methodist U.) tells how American officials and leaders of German military intelligence achieved the secret rescue of the Rebbe Joseph Schneersohn, the leader... czytaj dalej

God Has a Dream
Desmond Tutu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nobel Prize winner Tutu has long been admired throughout the world for the heroism and grace he presented while encouraging countless South Africans in their struggle for human rights. In his most soul-searching... czytaj dalej

Strip Show
K. Liepe-Levinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book offers an account of an unprecedented North American study of contemporary female and male strip shows. It particularly focuses on the contradictory sex roles, cultural positions, and performance... czytaj dalej

George Eliot
Jan Jedrzejewski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As a woman in an illegal marriage, publishing under a male pseudonym, George Eliot was one of the most successful yet controversial writers of the Victorian period. Today she is considered a key figure for... czytaj dalej