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The primary goal of World Civilizations- The Global Experience, Third Edition is to present a truly global history--one that both discusses the development of the world's leading civilizations and also emphasizes... czytaj dalej
Does the spread of democracy really contribute to international peace? Successive U. S. administrations have justified various policies intended to promote democracy not only by arguing that democracy is intrinsically... czytaj dalej
In seeking to address the conflict between security concerns and migratory flows, the book argues for reappraisal of the legal, political, normative, institutional and conceptual frameworks through which the... czytaj dalej
Spanning sixty years of military leadership in India, from Independence to the present day, this book brings to life the human side of twelve exceptional leaders. It concentrates on the lives of the individuals... czytaj dalej
"The most formidably brilliant exponent of psychoanalysis, indeed of cultural theory in general, to have emerged from europe in some decades." - Terry Eagleton 'One of the most innovative and exciting... czytaj dalej
This is a vivid, incisive account of Governor Schwarzenegger and his tenure in California politics, by the "Los Angeles Times" political reporter whose unique access and insight into Arnold has led... czytaj dalej
In the rocks of Florissant, Colorado, lying in the shadow of Pikes Peak, is the evidence of a long-lost world. Encased by the ash of volcanoes that erupted tens of millions of years ago, animals such as insects... czytaj dalej
Independent institutes conducting policy research, analysis and public dialogue, or 'think tanks' as they are more commonly known, are one of the leading catalysts for ideas and action in civil societies around... czytaj dalej
In a century of rapid social change, the British people have experienced two world wars, the growth of the welfare state and the loss of Empire.Charles More looks at these and other issues in a comprehensive... czytaj dalej
Based on careful, intensive research in primary sources, many of these essays break new ground in our understanding of a crucial and tumultuous period. The contributors, drawn from both sides of the Atlantic... czytaj dalej