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Social Cognition
M. Augoustinos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With a new structure, the second edition of this critically acclaimed textbook represents a much more 'integrated' and pedagogically developed account of its predecessor. The authors examine the different theoretical... czytaj dalej

Seld Employed Workers Organize
Cranford Wydawnictwo:

Over a million self-employed Canadians work every day but many of them not entitled to the basic labour protections and rights such as minimum wages, maternity and parental leaves and benefits, pay equity,... czytaj dalej

Experimenting with Humans & Animals
A. Guerrini Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Experimentation on animals and particularly humans is often assumed to be a uniquely modern phenomenon. But the ideas and attitudes that encourage the biological and medical sciences to experiment on living... czytaj dalej

Globalizing Women
Moghadam Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Globalization may offer modern feminism its greatest opportunity and greatest challenge. Allowing communication and information exchange while also exacerbating economic and social inequalities, globalization... czytaj dalej

Genoa & the Sea
T. Kirk Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Genoa enjoyed an important and ever-changing role in the early modern Mediterranean world. In medieval times, the city transformed itself from a tumultuous maritime republic into a stable and prosperous one... czytaj dalej

Mental Measurements Yearbook
B. Plake Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recognized worldwide as an essential resource on tests and testing, the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) series is a vital reference for all individuals involved in the evaluation, selection, and use of commercially... czytaj dalej

Blackwell Companion to the Bible & Culture
Swayer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture provides readers with a concise, readable and scholarly introduction to twenty-first century approaches to the Bible. Consists of 30 articles written by distinguished... czytaj dalej

Key Concepts in Mental Health
D. Pilgrim Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mental Health is a highly contentious concept and an area of study which is often bewildering to new students and trainee practitioners. In this context, Key Concepts in Mental Health provides a much needed... czytaj dalej

RealWorld Evaluation
M. Bamberger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

RealWorld Evaluation addresses the challenges of conducting evaluations where there is not enough money, time, or data - but methodologically sound findings are still needed - and where politics makes... czytaj dalej

Journalists Under Fire
H. Tumber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Journalists Under Fire" is the first book to combine a conceptually audacious analysis of the changing nature of war with an empirically rich critical analysis of journalists who cover conflict.... czytaj dalej