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International Construction Arbitration Law
J. Jenkins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is probably no area of activity more in need of reliable dispute resolution procedures than construction projects, especially if more than one jurisdiction is involved. This eminently practical guide... czytaj dalej

Governance in Post-Conflic Societies
Brinkerhoff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The contents include: Foreword by Frederick D. Barton; Preface by Derick W. Brinkerhoff; Governance Challenges in Fragile States: Re-Establishing Security, Rebuilding Effectiveness, and Reconstituting Legitimacy... czytaj dalej

Early Childhood Qualitative Research
Hatch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How can qualitative researchers make the case for the value of their work in a climate that emphasizes so-called "scientifically-based research?" What is the future of qualitative research when such... czytaj dalej

Chee Chee
A. Evans Wydawnictwo:

Although continually cited by the United Nations as one of the best places in the world to live, Canada has proved deadly for many Native peoples, among whom suicide is an all-too-common occurrence. The suicide... czytaj dalej

Responsible Administrator
T. Cooper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cooper#8217;s fifth edition is the definitive text for students and practitioners who want to have a successful administrative career. Moral reasoning, as Cooper so adeptly points out, is essential in today#8217;s... czytaj dalej

N. Blakeslee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is one of the most notorious miscarriages of justice in recent American history, vividly told by the award-winning reporter who broke the story. In the summer of 1999, in the tiny west Texas town of Tulia... czytaj dalej

Triangle Fire the Protocols of Peace & Industrial Democracy
Greenwald Wydawnictwo: angielskie

America searched for an answer to "The Labor Question" during the Progressive Era in an effort to avoid the unrest and violence that were the rule in the early 20th Century. In the ladies' garment... czytaj dalej

Bibliography of Modern American Philosophy 3 vols
Slater Wydawnictwo: inne

Single most important collection of bibliographical data on American philosophy in the modern period. No other reference work or encyclopedia has such a complete listings of both major and minor works of philosophers... czytaj dalej

Hermeneutyczne koncepcje człowieka 2
Włodzimierz Lorenc Wydawnictwo: Scholar

Książka jest obszerną monografią poświęconą krytycznej rekonstrukcji koncepcji człowieka we współczesnej myśli hermeneutycznej. Autor rekonstruuje poglądy na kwestię człowieka obecne w dziełach Heideggera,... czytaj dalej

Progressive Black Masculinities
A. Mutua Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the struggle for pride and political agency, the imperative to "be a man" has been central to the lives of black males. Yet, what it means to be a black man-in terms of both racial and gender identity-has... czytaj dalej