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Ways of Knowing in Early Modern Germany
G. Williams Wydawnictwo: inne

Gerhild Scholz Williams's Ways of Knowing in Early Modern Germany: Johannes Praetorius as a Witness to His Time, reviews key discourses in eight of Praetorius's works. She introduces the modern reader to the... czytaj dalej

Destroying World Order
Boyle Wydawnictwo: inne

For Boyle (international law, U. of Illinois-Champaign), the "War on Terror" is little more than a pretext for the expanded imperialist foreign policy of the United States, a policy characterized... czytaj dalej

Information Technology Policy & Digital Divide
M. Kagami Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The proliferation of new information technologies throughout the world has raised some important questions for policymakers as to how developing countries can benefit from their diffusion. This important volume... czytaj dalej

Why Sports Morally Matter
Morgan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When we accept that advertisers and sponsors dictate athletic schedules, that success in sport is measured by revenue, that athletes' loyalties lie with their commercial agents instead of teams and that game... czytaj dalej

Coping With the Nazi Past
Gassert Wydawnictwo: inne

Based on careful, intensive research in primary sources, many of these essays break new ground in our understanding of a crucial and tumultuous period. The contributors, drawn from both sides of the Atlantic... czytaj dalej

American Democracy in Peril
Hudson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In an engaging and eye-opening mix of democratic thought and current issues, Hudson's provocative and popular text raises fundamentally important questions: does our national security state threaten the very... czytaj dalej

Filozofowanie użyteczne
Szmyd Jan Wydawnictwo: Branta

Zbiór artykułów, małych rozpraw, szkiców i esejów podejmujących kwestię potrzeby filozofowania i jej zaspakajania. Autor porusza się w kręgu filozofii praktycznie usposobionej oraz życiowo i społecznie przydatnej.... czytaj dalej

International Relations in Action
B. Tessman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This hands-on exercise allows students to relate the concepts and issues at the foundation of global politics to the realities of international politics today. As influential leaders in the fictional world... czytaj dalej

Nuremberg Interviews
L. Goldensohn Wydawnictwo: inne

A Pimlico Original which provides remarkable and unique insights into the Nazi mentality and the nature of evil... czytaj dalej

Researching Violently Divided Societies Ethical & Methodolog
Smyth,Robinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume directly addresses the ethical and methodological challenges of researching in societies experiencing ethnic conflict and other violent upheavals. ... czytaj dalej