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Scarith of Scornello
Rowland Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bored teenager Curzio Inghirami staged perhaps the most outlandish prank of the seventeenth century when he hatched a wild scheme that preyed on the Italian fixation with ancestry by forging an array of ancient... czytaj dalej

Gender & War in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe
Wingfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume explores the role of gender on both the home and fighting fronts in Eastern Europe during the First and Second World Wars. By using gender as a category of analysis, the authors seek to arrive at... czytaj dalej

Protecting Liberty in an Age of Terror
P. Heymann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since September 11, 2001, much has been said about the difficult balancing act between freedom and security, but few have made specific proposals for how to strike that balance. As the scandals over the abuse... czytaj dalej

Asia's Innovation Systems in Transition
Lundvall Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This comprehensive book captures the transition of Asian national innovation systems in the era of the global learning economy.The success of Asian economies (first Japan, then Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore... czytaj dalej

Europaisches Vertragsrecht 2
K. Riesenhuber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents the European contract law classified by factual issues. This book provides students as well as practitioners, information about individual issues, and introduces an overview of the field of law. ... czytaj dalej

Out of Error
D. Miller Wydawnictwo: inne

If there has been some modest advance, since Karl Popper's death in 1994, in the general understanding of his critical rationalist theory of knowledge and philosophy of science, there is still widespread resistance... czytaj dalej

Impact of Environment Laws On Industry
S. Pachauri Wydawnictwo: inne

In a world global Warming and climate change are becoming matters of daily concern in the life of citizens, this book is a timely reminder of the rights conferred on them to protect the environment. Environment... czytaj dalej

Politics of Globalisation & Polarisation
Maurice Mullard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book deals with the nature of contemporary globalisation. Maurice Mullard's aim is to show that globalisation is not an inescapable, unstoppable process somehow beyond human control, rather that it represents... czytaj dalej

Representation in Mind New Approaches to Mental Representati
Clapin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Representation in Mind" is the first book in the new series "Perspectives on Cognitive Science" and includes well known contributors in the areas of philosophy of mind, psychology and cognitive... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology 3 Vols
CH Spielberger Wydawnictwo: inne

The Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology encompasses applications of psychological knowledge and procedures in all areas of psychology. This compendium is a major source of information for professional practitioners... czytaj dalej