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This brief text assists students in understanding Rawls' philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of... czytaj dalej
This brief text assists students in understanding Gandhi's philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part... czytaj dalej
`It bodes well for the teaching and giving away of psychology that so many respected researchers are able and willing to write well and simplify without oversimplifying their findings.... The contributors... czytaj dalej
In this revised edition, the author sharpens the focus and range of the original, arguing as his main thesis that colonialist and nationalist ideas and practices in education in India are not antagonistic.... czytaj dalej
With a new structure, the second edition of this critically acclaimed textbook represents a much more 'integrated' and pedagogically developed account of its predecessor. The authors examine the different theoretical... czytaj dalej
The "Advances in Group Processes" series publishes theoretical analyses, reviews and theory-based empirical chapters on group phenomena. Volume 19 includes papers that address fundamental issues of... czytaj dalej
In Colonization and Community John Belshaw takes a new look at British Columbia's first working class: the men, women, and children beneath and beyond the pit-head. Beginning with an exploration of emigrant... czytaj dalej
Experimentation on animals and particularly humans is often assumed to be a uniquely modern phenomenon. But the ideas and attitudes that encourage the biological and medical sciences to experiment on living... czytaj dalej
The most basic unit of the physical book is the page. It has determined the historical evolution of the book, the types of information communicated, and how the audience accesses that information. Unique and... czytaj dalej
Organized into 15 chapters that stress cultural, social and material issues, as well as major political developments, this book aims to promote reaction, discussion and reflection, as well as presenting important... czytaj dalej