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and teachers, parents and carers worry that the decisions that children and young people make might be unwise or dangerous. Decision making is a skill involving both a cognitive and an affective process. It... czytaj dalej
Globalized E-Learning Cultural Challenges explores the issues educators, administrators, and instructional designers face when transferring knowledge and skills to other cultures through e-learning. Most e-learning... czytaj dalej
An accessible, thoroughly integrated introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology. This book provides an accessible, thoroughly integrated introduction to physical anthropology and archaeology. ... czytaj dalej
This study covers the whole of the Middle Ages from the Lindisfarne Gospels to the Reformation and concentrates on the relationship 'Text - Image and Viewer'. Within a broadly chronological framework, the treatment... czytaj dalej
Highly regarded for its excellent writing, American Realities, is a well-respected secondary source collection that uses a unique anecdotal style and focuses on the important people and events in our country's... czytaj dalej
With today's spatial separation of spheres of life, mobility has become an important aspect of ensuring one's everyday life and social participation. Due to the decline of physical and sensory competences,... czytaj dalej
With the alchemy of great history, Susan Johnson transforms the familiar story of the Gold Rush into one that is sparkling and new. Our collective memory knows about the Gold Rush: the mid-nineteenth century... czytaj dalej
Jenifer Neils's study provides an in-depth examination of the frieze which decodes its visual language, but also analyzes its conception and design, style and content, and impact on the visual arts over time... czytaj dalej
The first book to be published on the subject, this is David Rose's look at 'Camp Delta' at Guantanamo Bay - the most controversial prison in the world. Rose's book is a well-informed indictment of the regime... czytaj dalej
Lowly has been writing on the "national question" to great acclaim for over 20 years. Under the impact of globalisation and new outbreaks of nationalism in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, he argues... czytaj dalej