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Politics of a European Civil Code
M. Hesselink Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With a significant number of claims having been brought under NAFTA Chapter 11 in the last 3 years, public and professional interest in this topic has been growing significantly. Quite simply, anyone doing... czytaj dalej

European Constitution and National Constitutions
A. Albi,J. Ziller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whether the Constitutional Treaty will enter into effect - or the prospect of the EU having a constitutional text is pushed back to a much more distant future - the ratification of an EU Constitution raises... czytaj dalej

Narrative Therapy
M. Payne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`A thought provoking and interesting book that will be of interest to nurses and others supporting patients' - Accident and Emergency Nursing `It is a relevant and timely book that will remind therapists of... czytaj dalej

Societies Networks & Transitions
Lockard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Societies, Networks, and Transitions< /i> is a world history text that connects the different regions of the world through global themes. This innovative structure combines the accessibility of a regional... czytaj dalej

International Law and Diplomacy
Chatterjee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this work the author explores the subjects of sovereignty, diplomacy and the function of diplomats, diplomatic missions, protocol, ethics in diplomacy, the role of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, intergovernmental... czytaj dalej

Bowstead & Reynolds on Agency
F. Reynolds Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency is the leading reference book on this key aspect of commercial law. First published in 1896, it is the trusted and authoritative guide to the maze of old and modern case law... czytaj dalej

Yearbook Commercial Arbitration 2006
A. van den Berg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For more than three decades, 'Yearbook Commercial Arbitration' has been the primary source of up-to-date information for arbitration scholars and practitioners. With its reporting on developments in the law... czytaj dalej

Judgements on History and Historians
J. Burckhardt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Western Civilisation was in its pomp when Jacob Burckhardt delivered his Judgements on History and Historians; European Empires spanned the globe, while the modern age was being forged in the nationalist revolutions... czytaj dalej

Przekształcenia społeczno-gospodarcze obszarów wiejskich Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego w latach 1988-1998
Jezierska - Thole Aleksandra Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Przekształcenia strukturalne i przestrzenne obszarów wiejskich Pomorza NadwiślańskiegoZasadnicze kierunki przekształceń społeczno-gospodarczych Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego... czytaj dalej

History Scripture & Controversy in a Medieval Jain Sect
P. Dundas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Examining the history and intellectual activity of the medieval Svetambara Jain renunciant order, the Tapa Gaccha, this book focuses on the consolidation by the Tapa Gaccha from the thirteenth century of its... czytaj dalej