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This second edition of Macmillan Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes is fully-updated and revised edition of the 1994 Native American Tribes of North America. It is a superb reference of Native American... czytaj dalej
In recent years the topic of acculturation has evolved from a relatively minor research area to one of the most researched subjects in the field of cross-cultural psychology. This edited handbook compiles and... czytaj dalej
This new set offers students and researchers thorough, objective and systematic essays on the history, culture and current status of all federally recognized Native American groups -- approximately 400 in all... czytaj dalej
One of the central problems in nutrition is the difficulty of getting people to change their dietary behaviours so as to bring about an improvement in health. What is required is a clearer understanding of... czytaj dalej
This volume explores the unique qualities of the Polish National Catholic Church - for example, the validity of its Holy Orders has been recognized by the Roman Catholic Church and it is the only Church in... czytaj dalej
This book is a groundbreaking intertwining of the philosophy of art and psychoanalytic theory. Artist, psychoanalyst, and feminist theorist Bracha Ettinger presents an original theoretical exploration of shared... czytaj dalej
The essays in the Reader's Guide to Judaism analyse the scholarly literature on Judaism and provide informed recommendations for further reading. As well as surveying English-language secondary literature on... czytaj dalej
The most controversial episode in the life of the seventeenth-century virtuoso and diarist John Evelyn has always been his passionate, complex friendship with the Restoration maid of honour Margaret Blagge... czytaj dalej
This is a survey of religious and political developments in Latin American Christianity, especially in the rapidly growing Pentecostal churches and in Catholicism. Pentecostalism and Catholicism have many shared... czytaj dalej
"The Selling of 'Free Trade'" shows how Washington works to accomplish political or economic goals, even when confronted with widespread popular opposition. John R. MacArthur chronicles the brutal... czytaj dalej