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Under the legal and administrative system of Nazi Germany, people categorized as 'Fremdvolkische' (literally, 'strange people') were subject to special laws that restricted their rights, limited their protection... czytaj dalej
The essays and book reviews collected in this volume represent philosopher and cultural theorist Mark Kingwell's negotiation of the space where academe collides with the world outside the ivory tower. Kingwell... czytaj dalej
Grace and Freedom represents Lonergan's entry into subject matter that would occupy him throughout his lifetime. At the same time it is a manifestation of the thinking that has made him one of the world's foremost... czytaj dalej
Spis treści:- Wprowadzenie- Prawne problemy transferów sportowych- Zmiana klubu sportowego przez sportowca w świetle polskiego prawa- Nowe regulacje transferowe FIFA- Przepisy FIFA...... czytaj dalej
The attractiveness of product labeling stems from their voluntary nature to achieve environmental and social goals. It is argued that through product price premia which reflect the willingness of consumers... czytaj dalej
Paul Ricoeur was one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. In this short and accessible book, he turns to a topic at the heart of much of his work: What is translation and why is it so... czytaj dalej
This book is a collection of essays written during the 1980s and 1990s, generated as parts of other, larger activist efforts going on at the time. Read together, the essays trace the progress of the conversations... czytaj dalej
Książka Bierdiajewa Rozważania o egzystencji uważana jest za "najbardziej filozoficzną" ze wszystkich jego prac i poświęcona jest sytuacji człowieka w świecie oraz poznaniu. Autor analizuje przede... czytaj dalej
Autor analizuje w tej książce zasadnicze pojęcie etyki - dobro, śledzi w jaki sposób platońskie metafizyczne pojęcie dobra jako miary, które pełniło funkcję zasady bytu, zostało przez Arystotelesa zaadoptowane... czytaj dalej
How did the process of European integration break down; how can it be repaired? In European Integration, 1950-2003, John Gillingham reviewed the history of the European project and predicted the rejection of... czytaj dalej