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World Christian Encyclopedia 2 vols
Barrett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This two-volume reference, an extensively expanded and updated edition of the one-volume 1982 work, presents a comprehensive overview of contemporary Christianity in all its many versions and in both its religious... czytaj dalej

Culture & Everyday Life
Inglis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Culture is unquestionably a central topic in the contemporary social sciences. In order to understand how people think, feel, value, act and express themselves, it is necessary to examine the cultures they... czytaj dalej

Terror in the Mind of God
M. Juergensmeyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beneath the histories of religious traditions--from biblical wars to crusading ventures and great acts of martyrdom--violence has lurked as a shadowy presence. Images of death have never been far from the heart... czytaj dalej

He Who Saves One Life
K. Osmecki Wydawnictwo: brak danych

HE WHO SAVES ONE LIFE is starkly documented by official dispatches and documents drawn from many previously unpublished sources -- newspapers, findings of government, investigations, government bulletins from... czytaj dalej

Fatherland or Mother Earth
Michael Lowy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Lowly has been writing on the "national question" to great acclaim for over 20 years. Under the impact of globalisation and new outbreaks of nationalism in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, he argues... czytaj dalej

Operator Functional State
Robert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The term "operator functional state" (OFS) acknowledges the intrinsic relationship between human task performance and the background state of the individual. This work shows that operators must sustain... czytaj dalej

Wśród ludzi na scenach i na ekranie t. 1-2
Tadeusz Peiper Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Literackie

Wśród ludzi na scenach i na ekranie obejmuje szkice poświęcone europejskiej klasyce dramatycznej od Orestei Ajschylosa, przez dramaty Szekspira i Lopego de Vegi, Cyda Corneille?a, komedie Moliera, Wesele Figara... czytaj dalej

Idea dobra w dyskusji między Platonem i Arystotelesem
Gadamer Hans - Georg Wydawnictwo: inne

Autor analizuje w tej książce zasadnicze pojęcie etyki - dobro, śledzi w jaki sposób platońskie metafizyczne pojęcie dobra jako miary, które pełniło funkcję zasady bytu, zostało przez Arystotelesa zaadoptowane... czytaj dalej

Jewish Political Tradition V 2
Walzer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This thought-provoking second volume of The Jewish Political Tradition is concerned with the theme of membership. The book brings together the most important texts on membership topics from 3,000 years of Jewish... czytaj dalej

Belief & Cult in Fourth-century Papyri
Choat Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This study examines the terms and features in the Greek and Coptic documentary papyri from 4th-century ce Egypt which bear on religious beliefs. These include onomastics, formulaic expressions, invocations... czytaj dalej