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Conflict--be it war between states, ethnic violence, civil war, or terrorist activity--endures, despite immense efforts to end it. How do states cope with conflict, minimize future threats, and reduce the risk... czytaj dalej
Academic superstars Andrew Ross, Edward Said, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Bad boy filmmakers Quentin Tarantino, Spike Lee, and Brian de Palma. What do these influential contemporary figures have in common? In... czytaj dalej
A comprehensive study dealing with a group of illuminated manuscripts from the Cistercian monastry of Sticna, the ancient Sitticum, in Slovenia. Natasa Golob reconstructs the medieval Sticna collection and... czytaj dalej
The situation of refugees is now one of the most pressing and urgent problems facing the international community and refugee law has grown in recent years to a subject of global importance. In this long-awaited... czytaj dalej
The American Culture of War is a comprehensive and authoritative survey of American conduct in war from World War II to the present, including both Iraq wars. It traces the evolution of American strategic,... czytaj dalej
The same author who wrote "The TRIPS Regime of Patent Rights", a thorough commentary on the patent and test data-related provisions of the TRIPS Agreement that in just three years has become a classic... czytaj dalej
Książka ma za cel próbę przedstawienia struktury filozofii Friedricha Nietzschego obejmującą okres Młodej Polski, a więc lata 1890-1918.... czytaj dalej
Świat Tomasza z Akwinu przeminął. Dzisiaj znacznie więcej wiemy o ruchu, pojęciu dobra, sposobie tworzenia nazw w umyśle, a także o samym świecie. Pejzaż Tomasza pod tym względem można uznać za ograniczony... czytaj dalej
Faced with America's military superiority, many countries are turning to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as a means to deter United States intervention. However, the events of September 11 awakened America... czytaj dalej
The world's most experienced peace studies' authority looks at terrorism Discusses the key obstacles to world peace after September 11 Presents a unique assessment of the Pacific region and its relationship... czytaj dalej