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Applies ideas and methods from the complexity perspective to key concerns in the social sciences, exploring co-evolutionary processes. ... czytaj dalej
This text is a research tool for the analysis of the first three Gospels, providing an extensive mass of data that greatly facilitates literary and linguistic examination. The advantages of a concordance are... czytaj dalej
This text teaches the reader: how to tell a person's sincerity by the tone of their voice; which three character traits are most likely to predict a person's behaviour; how to know if your date is interested... czytaj dalej
Refuting the conventional wisdom that the end of the Cold War cleared the way for an era of peace and prosperity led solely by the United States, Charles A. Kupchan contends that the next challenge to America#8217;s... czytaj dalej
A bracing of the problem of authenticity in America - in racial politics, in the arts and in the media - and the first collection of original essays from one of America's most important and most galvanizing... czytaj dalej
This book provides a systematic analysis of the size, purchasing power, demographic and market characteristics of women consumers, and their outlook in the next ten years, in 11 countries in Asia. It describes... czytaj dalej
The Law of Evidence has traditionally been perceived as a dry, highly technical, and mysterious subject. This book argues that problems of evidence in law are closely related to the handling of evidence in... czytaj dalej
In the West, the suicide bomber has become a familiar image in newspapers and on television. In Palestine, Iraq, Saudia Arabia, Indonesia and elsewhere, the results of suicide bombing have been devastating... czytaj dalej
Divided into five parts, this book aims to guide the reader through the key issues and debates within contemporary epistemology. It also explains complex issues such as those concerning the Private Language... czytaj dalej
Admiration for the Nordic welfare model in feminist literature and welfare state studies has heightened scientific and political interest in that model. In this volume, contributors from various disciplines... czytaj dalej