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Theater of War The Innocent American Empire
Lapham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nothing will be the same after September 11th. This is the wisdom, offered and widely received since the announcement of the war on terrorism: a permanent war declared on both an unknown enemy and an abstract... czytaj dalej

From Pope John Paul II to Benedict XVI
Walsh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the authoritative and official publication of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "From Pope John Paul II to Benedict XVI" invites readers to savor this pivotal moment in Church history... czytaj dalej

Dopamine In The Patophysiology & Treatment Of Schizophrenia
S. Kapur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Covering the latest advances in the field, Dopamine in the Treatment of Schizophrenia, Second Edition provides a detailed explanation of the etiology and clinical presentation of the disease, especially as... czytaj dalej

European Social Model
Nick Adnett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is an excellent book that I will definitely use for teaching. Adnett and Hardy provide an optimistic assessment of the potential development of a European Social Model in the face of increasing diversity... czytaj dalej

NGO Accountability Politics Principles
M. Edwards Wydawnictwo: brak danych

*NGOs are under fire for being "unaccountable" to anyone; this is the first book to tackle fully the politics, pitfalls, and benefits of NGO accountability* Offers the world??'s hundreds of thousands... czytaj dalej

What Can Be Done?
J. Lloyd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"What Can Be Done?" makes an important contribution to public debate in Britain about the relationship between the media and politics, focusing in particular on the damage the media do to politics... czytaj dalej

Edmunds Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a chronological and ethnographic narrative that surveys American Indian history, from the arrival of humans on the American continent to present day. The text gives balanced attention to political,... czytaj dalej

Philosophy the Day after Tomorrow
Cavell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year for 2005 Nietzsche characterized the philosopher as the man of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow--a description befitting Stanley Cavell, with his longtime interest... czytaj dalej

Rural History of Medieval European Societies
Alfonso Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This collection gathers a number of scholars to reflect on recent developments in medieval rural history in their respective countries. Each individual contribution surveys recent areas of research, significant... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Police Science 2 Vols
J. Greene Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1996, Garland published the "Encyclopedia of Police Science: 2nd Edition", edited by the late William G. Bailey. The work covered all the major sectors of policing in the US. Since then much research... czytaj dalej