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Though we think we know what it is, the definition of fascism is remarkably elusive. In general consciousness, it has become a collective term of abuse, ile, in reaction, scholars have over defined it out of... czytaj dalej
Przez milczenie i modlitwę, przez nieustanną medytację słów Pisma Świętego i intensywne uczestnictwo w życiu liturgicznym, kartuzi z każdym dniem coraz głębiej wchodzą w tajemnicę Boga. Ich życie stopniowo... czytaj dalej
Written by the author of "The Colonizer and the Colonized", this book reevaluates colonialism's legacy. ... czytaj dalej
Rousseau, Burke, and Revolution in France, 1791 plunges students into the intellectual political and ideological currents that surged through revolutionary Paris in the summer of 1791. Part of the "Reacting... czytaj dalej
Sir Charles Cotton served in the Royal Navy from 1772 to 1812. Unfortunately timing precluded his presence at Trafalgar, but he participated in other pivotal battles, including The Saintes and "The Glorious... czytaj dalej
The first in-depth encyclopedia on the life, work, and theories of Sigmund Freud, this A-Z reference includes the most recent debates on such topics as the theory of dreams and the Oedipus complex, as well... czytaj dalej
A large part of the legal debate about social integration has been focused on social dialogue, and in particular on the role of European collective arguments, as formerly regulated by the Maastricht Agreement... czytaj dalej
Ranging from the Early Middle Ages to the present day the Biographische Enzyklopädie deutschsprachiger Philosophen (Biographical Encyclopedia of German-language Philosophers) encompasses the full spectrum of... czytaj dalej
"World Politics: Trend and Transformation" is the best selling text in International Relations, because of its trusted balance in coverage and approach, unmatched by any other text for the course... czytaj dalej
The neuropsychological literature on the effects of early brain injury has progressively expanded. There has been, however, relatively little work on the question of how to rehabilitate a child who has suffered... czytaj dalej