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'Copyright is increasingly broad in scope and the range of perspectives that can be applied to study it is equally wide - not just IP law but legal philosophy, economics, cultural studies, ethnography, legal... czytaj dalej
Through a series of edited interviews with new media practitioners including young web developers, programmers, artists, writers and producers, "The New Media Handbook" examines the essential diversity... czytaj dalej
Johnson examines twelve crises that motivated the evolution of Christianity. In his survey of Church history, he chronicles the story from the first century, and the birth and adolescence of Christianity, to... czytaj dalej
The first full portrait of one of the most enduringly mysterious public figures of our era - the man who Bob Woodward called "Deep Throat", and who thought of himself as the "Lone Ranger"... czytaj dalej
The years between 1776 and 1851 are of profound importance for the social and urban historian. English town dwellers of the period experienced some fundamental changes in their way of life: rapid population... czytaj dalej
Moving beyond the traditional dichotomies of social theory, Understanding Social Inequality brings the study of social stratification and inequality into the 21st century. Starting with the widely agreed 'fact'... czytaj dalej
Gun-related violence remains an intractable problem despite a decline in the past decade. Some believe the solution lies in stricter gun control laws while others think these measures would be ineffective or... czytaj dalej
This book is a practical guide on anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy measures at the borders of the enlarged European Community. It deals with all aspects of "border measures" under Regulation (EC)... czytaj dalej
Baron/Byrne/Branscombe's Social Psychology-a text that has motivated students to take social psychology out of the classroom and into their lives for over four decades-has gone through its most major revision... czytaj dalej
The role of Bomber Command in World War II is still shrouded in mystery. This book provides a new and revisionary narrative of the campaign, serving as both a military history and an investigation into how... czytaj dalej