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Culture of Fear Revisited
Frank Furedi Wydawnictwo: inne

Argues that the greater danger in our culture is the tendency to fear achievements representing a more constructive side of humanity. This work relates the author's thinking on the sociology of fear to the... czytaj dalej

Pięć skoków do nieba czyli gawędy z Bogiem
Dalin Jan Wydawnictwo: inne

Relacja ze spotkań i dyskusji autora z Bogiem-Nidem, w której bohaterowie ze zdumiewającą prostotą i intelektualną precyzja mówią o tym wszystkim, co ludzie pragną wiedzieć o kosmosie i o sobie samych, o szczęściu... czytaj dalej

Transfer Pricing of Intangibles
Michelle Markham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Transactions involving intellectual property play an increasingly significant role in economic activity at every level from global to local, with particular challenges for taxation and revenue authorities.... czytaj dalej

Bodies in Code
Hansen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality, and Mark B. N. Hansen's... czytaj dalej

Roman Catholic Church
E. Norman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'The most intellectually bracing short history of the Roman Catholic Church to have appeared for decades ... ' - The Sunday Telegraph'... one of the most intelligent and provocative voices in the Church ... czytaj dalej

American Civil War 365 Days
M. Wagner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The American Civil War: 365 Days" comprises a vivid visual history of one of the most tumultuous and pivotally important eras in the history of the USA. From pre-war political clashes over slavery... czytaj dalej

Resilience & Courage
N. Tec Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this riveting book Nechama Tec offers insights into the differences between the experiences of Jewish women and men during the Holocaust. Her research draws on a variety of sources: wartime diaries, postwar... czytaj dalej

Greenwood Encyclopedia of Women's Issues Worldwide 6 vols
L. Walter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Women are working internationally to create a world based on gender equality and justice. The concerns of women are shaped by conditions in their own countries and regions and also by conditions for women in... czytaj dalej

Bodleian Library Oxford v.1
Digby Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this new series of fascicles, all images contained in English Late Gothic manuscripts from libraries throughout the world will be catalogued according to a carefully prescribed template, described, classified... czytaj dalej

Constructive Drinking
M. Douglas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1987, Constructive Drinking is a series of original case studies organized into three sections based on three major functions of drinking. The three constructive functions are: that drinking... czytaj dalej