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Rome from the Ground Up
McGregor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rome is not one city but many, each with its own history unfolding from a different center: now the trading port on the Tiber; now the Forum of antiquity; the Palatine of imperial power; the Lateran Church... czytaj dalej

System Rywina
Skórzyński Jan (red.) Wydawnictwo: Świat Książki

Koniec złudzeń, politycy poza kontrolą, kryzys państwa, państwo na krawędzi - to tylko niektóre tytuły artykułów omawiających stan Polski po ujawnieniu "Rywingate". Przyczyny kryzysu państwa analizują... czytaj dalej

Secret World
Klehr Wydawnictwo: brak danych

For the first time, the hidden world of American communism can be examined with the help of documents from the recently opened archives of the former Soviet Union. Interweaving narrative and documents, the... czytaj dalej

Jewish Political Tradition V 1
M. Walzer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book launches a landmark four-volume collaborative work exploring the political thought of the Jewish people from biblical times to the present. The texts and commentaries in Volume I address the basic... czytaj dalej

New Directions in Copyright Law Vol 1
Fiona Macmillan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Copyright is increasingly broad in scope and the range of perspectives that can be applied to study it is equally wide - not just IP law but legal philosophy, economics, cultural studies, ethnography, legal... czytaj dalej

Reaching for Stars New History of Bomber Command in World Wa
Mark Connelly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The role of Bomber Command in World War II is still shrouded in mystery. This book provides a new and revisionary narrative of the campaign, serving as both a military history and an investigation into how... czytaj dalej

Griechisch-Deutsches Taschenworterbuch zum Neuen Testament
E. Preuschen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The #8220;Preuschen#8221; continues to be an important reference text book for studying the New Testament. It offers the basic vocabulary of the most commonly used terms in the New Testament, as well as, specific... czytaj dalej

Heresy & the Persecuting Society in the Middle Ages
M. Frassetto Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume examines the influence of R. I. Moore and the nature of heresy and its repression in the Middle Ages. The volume considers the vexing question of the origins of medieval heresy and the possible... czytaj dalej

Planning Markets & Hospitals
Mohan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Improving access to hospital services has been a goal of public policy in Britain for over seventy years, but the means by which this goal is to be attained have changed significantly over time. Drawing substantially... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Parent Training
Charles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A guide to the latest tools for teaching effective and positive parenting skills In the last three decades, parent training has established itself as an empirically sound, highly successful, and cost-effective... czytaj dalej