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People with personality disorder tend to be neglected by health services in most countries. In the UK, there has been renewed interest in the field since government initiatives in the end of the 1990s. Government... czytaj dalej
"A Theory of International Terrorism" studies Islamic militancy in the geopolitical contexts of Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, and the September 11 attacks on the United States. These contexts have... czytaj dalej
In 2004, ten countries joined the European Union as Member States and five others (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, and Turkey) had or received (pre-)candidate country status. EU accession... czytaj dalej
Psychiatrische Störungen sind grundsätzlich aus einer dynamischen Entwicklungsperspektive zu betrachten. Ausgehend von dieser Tatsache ist ein Handbuch entstanden, das nicht nur ein Referenzwerk für alle Kinder-... czytaj dalej
This volume presents some of the most important debates that have taken place at the United Nations, especially at its recent Economic and Social Council meetings, covering the themes of globalization, financial... czytaj dalej
As the Holocaust recedes from us in time, the guardianship of its legacy is being passed on from its survivors and witnesses to the generation after. How should we, in turn, convey its knowledge to others?... czytaj dalej
All of us are engaged in a personal, ongoing battle with sin and vice. The seven deadly sins - lust, greed, envy, anger, pride, gluttony, and sloth - are our main antagonists in this struggle. They are primary... czytaj dalej
* Provides a balanced, comprehensive account of contemporary trends in world, regional and nation-state government and politics * Captures the global changes, both theoretical and factual, of the past three... czytaj dalej
Roman Catholicism exerts a continuing influence on the culture and politics of the worlds nations, and never more so than on issues of gender and sexuality. If the Catholic church is to continue to be relevant... czytaj dalej
Karl Marx's classic definitions of class and society under capitalism are still widely used today. Ideas such as class, revolution, production and oppression are employed across a broad range of academic subjects... czytaj dalej