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Military Orders in the Early Modern Portuguese World
Dutra Wydawnictwo: inne

During the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, the three Portuguese military orders of Christ, Santiago and Avis became that kingdom's most important institutions for rewarding services to the... czytaj dalej

Politics of Belonging
N. Yuval-Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of essays examines the racialized and gendered effects of contemporary politics of belonging, issues which lie at the heart of contemporary political and social lives. It encompasses critical... czytaj dalej

T. Lewens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) is best known as a biologist and natural historian rather than a philosopher. However, in this invaluable book, Tim Lewens shows in a clear and accessible manner how important Darwin... czytaj dalej

Rock History Reader
Cateforis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These days "rock music" courses are ubiquitous at most universities and colleges, but until recently instructors seeking an anthology of readings on the History of Rock have looked in vain. The Rock... czytaj dalej

Urban Growth
Robson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Do large cities grow more or less rapidly than small ones? Why should the relationship between city size and population growth vary so much from one period to another? This book studies the process of population... czytaj dalej

Corona scientiarum
Chrościcki Juliusz A. (red.) Wydawnictwo: NERITON

Księga z rozprawami i artykułami dedykowanymi Profesorowi Januszowi Pelcowi. Jednym z ważniejszych wątków tej publikacji jest twórczość Mikołaja Sępa-Szarzyńskiego, żyjącego w czasach przełomu, symbolicznie... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Asian American Psychology
F. Leong Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Second Edition of the "Handbook of Asian American Psychology" fills a fundamental gap in the Asian American literature by addressing the full spectrum of methodological, substantive, and theoretical... czytaj dalej

Greenwood Library of American Folktales 4 vols
T. Green Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides access to the stories and legends that have captivated us for generations and continue to influence film, television, literature, and popular culture. This four-volume work gathers a range of popular... czytaj dalej

Critical Issues in Child Welfare
J. Shireman Wydawnictwo: inne

Responding to what many consider a crisis in the child welfare system, the author addresses a central question: what role can and should social work play in child welfare services? This text is a comprehensive... czytaj dalej

Personality Disorder & Serious Offending
Clive Meux Wydawnictwo: inne

People with personality disorder tend to be neglected by health services in most countries. In the UK, there has been renewed interest in the field since government initiatives in the end of the 1990s. Government... czytaj dalej