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One more addition to the plethora of alphabet books available. Featuring a multiethnic kindergarten class with a black male teacher, the book presents artwork and then gives a set of words (all beginning with... czytaj dalej
The strangest science you've ever seen! Have you ever heard of a goat spinning a spider web? Do you want to see what a Martian potato looks like? Can a pigeon really appreciate fine art? Weird Science is full... czytaj dalej
Did you know that hailstorms can have stones as big as grapefruits? Or that the record life of a tornado is nine hours? This book is like having Al Roker as your teacher.... czytaj dalej
Following an automobile accident in which her neck is broken, a teenage karate champion begins a long and painful recovery with the help of her family.... czytaj dalej
Here is one of those rare and remarkable debuts that herald the appearance of a major new talent on the literary scene. Inspired by real events, Lay That Trumpet In Our Hands is a wise and luminous story about... czytaj dalej
The story of Billie Jo, a girl who struggles to help her family survive the dust bowl years of the Depression, is told in poetry. A testament to the American spirit, this novel became an instant classic. "A... czytaj dalej
Like all mothers, Gregorys mom struggles to get her little goat to eat a well balanced diet. When she offers him tires and tin cans all Gregory wants to eat are fruits and vegetables. But Gregorys mom is... czytaj dalej
When Abbie's father gets lost in a storm at sea, it's up to her to keep the lighthouse lit and care for her two sisters and sick mother. "A fascinating tale."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej
From the tapirs roaming its cool floor to the Blue Morpho butterflies fluttering in its canopy, the rain forest is a peaceful place until man's machines endanger its existence and threaten its lush beauty.... czytaj dalej
Unforgettable stories about men and women whose extraordinary courage has captured the imagination of millions. From firefighters facing nuclear disaster to rescue teams coping with a fast-sinking ship, this... czytaj dalej