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Colfer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During a car accident a boy succeeds in fleeing from an orphanage, where the kids are tortured and used for experiments with pharmaceutical and chemical test substances. In a generally hostile, future world... czytaj dalej

Getting Rid of Matthew
J. Fallon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Helen is nearly 40 and having an affair with her former boss. Ready to get on with her life, she decides to dump him--until he leaves his wife. The only thing to do, Helen decides, is to befriend his wife and... czytaj dalej

Pursuit of Genius
S. Batterson Wydawnictwo: inne

Batterson (mathematics and computer science, Emory U., Georgia) describes the founding of the Institute in 1930, inspired and guided by Abraham Flexner, and its evolution, particularly during its first decade... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Companion to Horace
S. Harrison Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Horace is a central author in Latin literature. His work spans a wide range of genres, from iambus to satire, and odes to literary epistle, and he is just as much at home writing about love and wine as he is... czytaj dalej

Sanghoee San Jay Wydawnictwo: inne

Sanjay Sanghoee,a former investment banker goes behind the scenes of multi-billion dollar mergers to reveal a dark world of greed,corruption,and murder A gruesome murder kick-starts this explosive saga of greed... czytaj dalej

The Blue taxi
Koenings N.S. Wydawnictwo: HACHETTE

small community force a Belgian expat housewife to re-evaluate her life. Raised by nuns in a secluded mission hospital, Sarie Turner is lonely and isolated from everyone around her, contemptuous of her social-climbing... czytaj dalej

Ten Days in the Hills
Smiley Jane Wydawnictwo: inne

Pulitzer-winning novelist Jane Smiley's latest book, Ten Days in the Hills, is a satirical portrait of an Oscar-winning director, his political-activist lover, his ex-wife and her lover. The book explores the... czytaj dalej

Travelling with Djinns
J. Mahjoub Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Yasin is driving through Europe in a dilapidated Peugeot 504 with his seven-year-old son Leo. He's not sure where they're going. He just knows he's thirty-seven years old, his wife is about to divorce him and... czytaj dalej

Magic School Bus #15 Voyage to the Volcano
Stamper Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Hi, I'm Dorothy Ann, one of the kids in Ms. Frizzle's class. When we started learning about volcanoes, I thought we'd just be studying them in books -- but Ms. Frizzle had other ideas. She took us all the way... czytaj dalej

Ripley's Believe It or Not #10 X-traordinary X-tremes
Packard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What's creamy, cold, served on a cone, and tastes like fresh eel? Give up? It's eel flavored ice cream! How would you like to get a job sniffing armpits? Maybe you'd like to play a game of basketball where... czytaj dalej