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A wonderfully funny, warm debut novel - with a hilarious and poignant look at life on Capitol Hill. Samantha (Sammy) Joyce is hard-working, idealistic and extremely competent - as well as just a little bit... czytaj dalej
A plane crashes high in the mountains of North Carolina. But a severed foot is discovered a good distance from the main crash site... Forensic anthropologist Dr Temperance Brennan is first on the scene. The... czytaj dalej
Who is Sei Shonagon? The tenth-century author of The Pillow Book? A woman of mixed-race parentage, surviving life in modern Japan? Or a voice from behind a screen, reaching across centuries, linking them both... czytaj dalej
Revenge has long been central to European culture. From Homer to Nietzsche, St Paul to Sylvia Plath, numerous major authors have been fascinated by its emotional intensity, and by the questions which it raises... czytaj dalej
Looking for facts abut the characters, armament, starships, planets, alien species, or battles in the most exciting adventure of them all? You'll find the whole universe of Star Wars covered in this fully revised... czytaj dalej
In 1705 Kornel Csillag's grandfather happens across a miraculous gold fob-watch gleaming in the mud of an ancient Magyar battlefield, which is to improve dramatically his family's shipwrecked fortunes - for... czytaj dalej
In the tradition of the Narnia Chronicles, _No Clock in the Forest_ is the best-written novel in the English language since Mark Helprin's _Winter's Tale_. Set in a vividly-depicted Pacific Northwest, William... czytaj dalej
'Rakhi, a young artist and divorced mother living in Berkeley, California, is struggling to keep her footing with her family and with a world in alarming transition. Her mother is a dream teller, born with... czytaj dalej
Victor is a good pup and always does as he is told, but Butch is small and bad and loves being naughty and now Victor wants to be bad too. But being bad isn't as easy as he thinks. ... czytaj dalej
A cast of hilarious miniature clowns, staggering under the weight of life-sized HERSHEY'S Kisses, introduces simple addition concepts using delicious chocolate HERSHEY'S Kisses.... czytaj dalej