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Jorge el Curioso en el Hospital
Rey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Readers learn all about the hospital as George goes in for an operation to remove a puzzle piece he has eaten.... czytaj dalej

Twelve Days of Christmas
S. Bakhurst Wydawnictwo: inne

THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS MUSICAL is a sparkly adaptation of the famous Christmas song of the same name. It is a wonderful, exciting musical that really captures the true giving spirit of Christmas. Intended... czytaj dalej

Usborne Internet-Linked Atlas of Dinosaurs
S. Davidson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This superb new atlas takes a fresh and exciting look at the amazing world of dinosaurs. With detailed maps and superb illustrations, it shows which dinosaurs lived in different parts of the world. Readers... czytaj dalej

Story of Ships
L. Sims Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Once upon a time, before people travelled very far from home, a brave man hopped on a floating log and invented the very first boat. Soon, boats had paddles and sails and could cross vast oceans. Young readers... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Planet Earth
A. Claybourne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Packed with stunning photographs and fascinating facts, this book covers core subjects such as rocks and minerals, weather and climate and modern concerns about the environment. It also features an exploration... czytaj dalej

Stories Of Knights
J. Bingham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When King Arthur set up his court, hundreds of knights wanted to join him. But they had to fight fierce giants and deadly dragons first, for only the bravest, strongest and most loyal of knights could sit at... czytaj dalej

Spaghetti Tangle
McCall Smith Wydawnictwo: inne

John and Nicky have never eaten spaghetti and would give anything for the occasional bowl of chips or piece of chocolate cake. But they live with their rather strange and grumpy aunt who insists upon the most... czytaj dalej

Mark of the Yuan-Ti
K. Roberts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Is there more to Driskoll's new pet than meets the eye? This 12th book continues the adventures of three young children who, through their heroic deeds, become members of the Order of the Knights of the Silver Dragon. ... czytaj dalej

Stateliest Measures
A. Markley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The great nineteenth-century English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson received an unusually thorough education in the classical languages, and he remained an active classical scholar throughout his lifetime. His... czytaj dalej

Lover's Path
K. Waldherr Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A fictional love story, The Lover's Path is inspired by the true love story of one of Venice's most famous courtesans Tullia d'Aragona. Set in Venice in the 1500s, this feminist epic is narrated by Filamena... czytaj dalej