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Geronimo Rex
B. Hannah Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Inspired by the great Geronimo's brash, outrageous rampage through the Old West, high school graduate Harry Munroe tackles the America of the 1950s and '60s, living through the sex, love, lies and lunacies... czytaj dalej

Last Eyewitnesses
W. Śliwowska Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides an extraordinary new perspective on the lives of Jewish children who survived the Holocaust in Poland and remained there after the war. These testimonies, submitted by individual authors... czytaj dalej

Penelope Nuthatch & the Big Surprise
D. Gavril Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Silly Penelope Nuthatch receives a letter from her friend Luther Crow promising an unforgettable surprise outing. She assumes Luther is taking her to see the "unforgettable" Swan Lake. She gets her... czytaj dalej

Role of Academic Librarian
A. Langley Wydawnictwo: inne

Covers the practical side of being an academic librarian. Outlines and describes the skills necessary to succeed in these large, and often complex, organisations. The book includes tools and techniques for... czytaj dalej

Why Intranets Fail & How to Fix Them
Tredinnick Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a practical guide to some of the common problems associated with Intranets, and solutions to those problems. It explores how the needs of the end-user very often conflict with the needs of the organisation... czytaj dalej

Morton Andrew Wydawnictwo: inne

Since the late 1990s, Britain's most famous celebrity couple have rarely been out of the limelight. Intense media interest in their courtship, marriage and children, as well as the fluctuating fortunes of their... czytaj dalej

Rezonujące drewno
Armin Muller Wydawnictwo: inne

Autor poszukuje większej ilości środków ekspresji, na płaszczyźnie literackiej w liryce i dramacie, na płaszczyźnie pozaliterackiej w malarstwie.... czytaj dalej

Judas Heart
Black Ingrid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Marsha Reed was just another aspiring young actress trying to make it in Dublin. But now she's found fame for all the wrong reasons - as victim of a brutal murder, her body left tied to her bed.... czytaj dalej

Gentleman of the Road
Chabon Michael Wydawnictwo: inne

"Michael Chabon can write like a magical spider, effortlessly spinning out elaborate webs of words that ensnare the reader with their beauty and their style"- The New York Times... czytaj dalej

Getting Rid of Matthew
J. Fallon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Helen is nearly 40 and having an affair with her former boss. Ready to get on with her life, she decides to dump him--until he leaves his wife. The only thing to do, Helen decides, is to befriend his wife and... czytaj dalej