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Pisma wybrane
Jan Paweł Woronicz Wydawnictwo: Ossolineum

Autor należy do trzeciego pokolenia pisarzy oświeceniowych - pokolenia działaczy - razem z Bogusławskim, Staszicem, Niemcewiczem. Losy tej generacji w szczególny sposób zdeterminowała historia. Urodzili się... czytaj dalej

Buyer's Market
Powell Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A Dance to the Music of Time chronicles the lives of over three hundred characters, and is a unique evocation of life in twentieth-century England. It is unrivalled for its scope, its humour and the enormous... czytaj dalej

N. Dhaliwal Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Set in the long hot summer of 2002, Tourism is a filthy, unflinching and politically incorrect take on modern Britain by an extraordinary young Sikh writer.Bhupinder 'Puppy' Singh Johal #8212; handsome, rakish... czytaj dalej

In the Night Room
P. Straub Wydawnictwo: inne

Giving us the creeps again (after lost boy, lost girl), Straub concocts the tale of two authors who seems to be getting important communications from the beyond.... czytaj dalej

Besitos y Abrazos
Roberta Intrater Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Babies are mesmerized by other babies -- and the strikingly candid photos in HUGS KISSES will keep little ones spellbound. Roberta Grobel Intrater's vibrant photographs capture endearing moments with babies... czytaj dalej

David Se Mete En Lios
D. Shannon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

David always comes up with an excuse to try and get out of trouble. Your child will laugh as you share the familiar explanations for childhood mischief, from "The dog ate my homework!" to "It... czytaj dalej

Visits From the Afterlife
S. Browne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Sylvia Browne showed us how to get in touch with departed loved ones in The Other Side and Back and Life on The Other Side, her classic books on the afterlife. Now the #1 New York Times bestselling author opens... czytaj dalej

Remnants Them
K. Applegate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A stranded group of humans on a strange planet begin to war against one another after a strange series of discoveries. ... czytaj dalej

Tortured Wood
M. Rose Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A hot new title from a chilling new series of stories by some of the best thriller-writers aroundWritten by well-known and established thriller author, Malcolm RosePart of the exciting new Usborne fiction seriesThis... czytaj dalej

Boy in the Burning House
T. Wynne-Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jim is just regaining some semblance of a normal life following his father's sudden disappearance, when he is attacked by a crazy girl. Ruth Rose has a wild story to tell about her stepfather, the saintly Father... czytaj dalej