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Mud Pony
Caron Cohen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A Native American tale about a young boy and his magical pony that comes to life. "Splendidly illustrated. A moving, multileveled heroic tale."-Kirkus. Use this book to teach the trait: Organization... czytaj dalej

Circle of Magic #03 Daja's Book
T. Pierce Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Daja is a misfit child with special powers. She was sent into exile by her people, the Traders. When a deadly fire threatens the Traders' village, Daja must decide if she will save her people and, even more... czytaj dalej

Max the Mighty
R. Philbrick Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The sequel to Freak the Mighty, the dramatic, heartwrenching tale teams Max with another outcase, Worm, nicknamed for her interest in books. The two outsiders turn to each other for survival. Written in a haunting... czytaj dalej

Rainforest Colors
Susan Canizares,Betsey Chessen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Photographs and simple text explore the unusual colors of birds, plants, and frogs in the Amazon rainforest. ... czytaj dalej

True Adventure Stories
P. Dowswell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This compilation includes 30 true stories of heroism, desperation, courage and daring; from the first exploration of Everest to the story of the real Indiana Jones.... czytaj dalej

Gossip Girl 5 I Like It Like That
C. Ziegesar Wydawnictwo: inne

It's the Spring break and love is in the air. Or is that a blend of Chanel No 9 and Gucci Rush? Blair moves in with Serena and they're back to being best friends. Nate is on the straight and narrow with his... czytaj dalej

Absolute Friends
J. Carre Wydawnictwo: HACHETTE

A ferocious new novel from the master: when a man's good heart is his worst enemy. . .By chance and not by choice, Ted Mundy, eternal striver, failed writer, and expatriate son of a British Army officer, used... czytaj dalej

The Good Husband of zebra drive
Smith Alexander Wydawnictwo: inne

Whenever I read a McCall Smith No.1 Ladies? Detective Agency title I can always smell the smells and visualize the situations he?s describing so clearly, for his writing is so acute and precise and his love... czytaj dalej

Kobieta honoru
Modignani Casati Sveva Wydawnictwo: Książnica

O Nancy Carr, znanej prawniczce, kandydatce do fotela burmistrza Nowego Jorku, wiele mówiono i pisano : że jest powiązana z mafią, że korumpuje, że ręce ma splamione krwią i na jej polecenie giną ludzie. Konkretnych... czytaj dalej

Anielski wędrowiec
Krzysztof Andrzej Jeżewski Wydawnictwo: inne

Jak ujrzeć Boga... Bóg zamieszkuje światło, drogi doń nie wiodą Kto sam nie jest światłem, nie ujrzy go sobą.... czytaj dalej