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Op-Centre Line of Control
T. Clancy Wydawnictwo: inne

It's a mission that only Striker -- the military arm of Op-Center -- can handle: capture an Islamic cleric who is stirring up a rebellion against the Indian government. But when the border between India and... czytaj dalej

Incredible Inventions
Nick Griffiths Wydawnictwo: brak danych

These inventors have inspired a wealth of new inventions, some essential and some that are just plain silly. From the wheel to virtual reality systems, Incredible Inventions checks out a crucial collection... czytaj dalej

You wouldn't want to be an Egyptian Mummy
David Steward Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This hilarious series gives the reader a lighter look at social studies and science as it takes them on a tour through the gory, dark, horrific side of life in ancient times. To enter the afterlife as a wealthy... czytaj dalej

Solomon vs. Lord
P. Levine Wydawnictwo: inne

Former attorney and reporter Levine delivers a funny, fast-paced legal thriller, his first since 1998's 9 Scorpions. Circumstances conspire to force two Florida lawyers with opposing personalities;by-the-book... czytaj dalej

Boudica Dreaming Hound
M. Scott Wydawnictwo: inne

Set in AD 57, when much of Britannia was under Roman occupation, this is the story of the Boudica or Bringer of Victory as Breaca has long been hailed. She knows for certain that her lover, Caradoc - betrayed... czytaj dalej

Circle Opens #2 Street Magic
T. Pierce Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In a fantasy series, teenagers with magical gifts are surrounded by a world of royalty, mystery, and power. They find that they must rely on each other as friends and teachers, in order to use their unique... czytaj dalej

True Stories of Gangsters
H. Brook Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From Al Capone's reign of terror in Chicago to the last stand of Ned Kelly in the Australian bush, gangsters lived cold, calculating and violent lives, living hard and dying young. This fascinating book describes... czytaj dalej

Trilogy Companion
Jerzy Krzyzanowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The modern translation of the Trilogy by W.S.Kuniczak represents not only a new original approach to the problems of translating fiction but it also reintroduces Sienkiewicz to English-speaking readers after... czytaj dalej

In the Line of Fire a Memoir of General Musharraf
P. Musharraf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this unprecedented event, the president of one of the world's most crucial nations offers his candid thoughts on Pakistan's confrontations with India, 9/11 and its aftermath, on Israel, on bin Laden and... czytaj dalej

Siren Song
R. Kidd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Before the Black Pearl, there was a teenage stowaway named Jack Sparrow... Captain Jack Sparrow#8217;s ship, the Barnacle, and its up-till-now unshakable crew have suddenly fallen under a sinister spell. While... czytaj dalej