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Devils Star
J. Nesbo Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A young woman is murdered in her Oslo flat. One finger has been severed from her left hand, and behind her eyelid is secreted a tiny red diamond in the shape of a five-pointed star - a pentagram, the devil's... czytaj dalej

Littles & the Big Blizzard
J. Paterson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Aunt Lily White has disappeared! The timing could not be worse as Mrs. Little is expecting a baby and desperately needs Aunt Lily. The family enlists the help of great big Hildy the cat and goes out into the... czytaj dalej

Postcards From Pluto a Tour Of the Solar System
L. Leedy Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Children learn fascinating facts as they "visit" the sun and the planets during an amusing and informative "space tour" through our solar system.... czytaj dalej

Reading & Writing from Literature
Schwiebert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Emphasizing intertextuality the way that texts, including the student's own writing, grow out of other texts this anthology offers an exceptional amount of writing support. Fifteen chapters of guidance on writing... czytaj dalej

Gossip Girl 4 Because I'm Worth It
C. Ziegesar Wydawnictwo: inne

Read on to catch up with more gossip-licious pleasure from the anonymous narrator of the 'Gossip Girl' books, as she dishes up more doses of hefty dirt on all her friends - New York's wealthiest private school teens.... czytaj dalej

Stranger in Our Midst Image of Jew in Polish Literature
H. Segal Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A vibrant Jewish community flourished in Poland from late in the tenth century until it was virtually annihilated in World War II. In this remarkable anthology, the first of its kind, Harold B. Segel offers... czytaj dalej

Adventures of Mr.Nicholas Wisdom
I. Krasicki Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom is the first English translation of the first Polish novel ever written. Completed in 1776 at the apex of the Polish Age of Enlightenment, this immensely readable work... czytaj dalej

We Live in China
P. Pilon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How are children around the world different from us? How are they the same? In this series, readers will learn about each country's traditions and history, as well as how kids around the world spend their daily... czytaj dalej

Curriculum Vitae of Aurore Ortiz
A. Solana Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With her vitality and freshness, her innocence, her unconventional intelligence and her relative lack of commercial ambition, Aurora Ortiz is a new type of heroine, one whose ethos and view of the world run... czytaj dalej