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Genealogical Tabeles of Jewish Families 14th-20th Centuries
G. Simon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This two-volume work documents 11,000 individuals belonging to 10 Jewish families who were related to the Fraenkel family from 1397 to 1992. Many illustrious names are amongst those recorded: the poet Heinrich... czytaj dalej

Return To The Island
G. Whelan Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

It is the spring of 1818 and Mary O'Shea is once again living on beautiful Mackinac Island, set like a glittering jewel in the vast Great Lakes. The small island Mary knew as a child is now a booming town:... czytaj dalej

Book of Salt
M. Troung Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In a compelling novel that takes the reader on a strange journey from Indochina to Paris, the Vietnamese cook for Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas reveals his own fascinating story-Paris, 1934. Binh has accompanied... czytaj dalej

Book Nobody Read
O. Gingerich Wydawnictwo: inne

1543 saw the publication of one of the most significant scientific works ever written: "De revolutionibus (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres)", in which Nicolaus Copernicus presented a radically... czytaj dalej

Merlin Young Merlin Trilogy Book Three
Yolen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Deep in the forest, young Merlin falls into the hands of the wodewose--wild folk who are actually a family of the unwanted. Although he is at home among the clan, the boy must follow his visions and confront... czytaj dalej

Gulliver's Stories
Edward Dolch,Marguerite Dolch,Beulah Jackson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

These are the hilarious and incredible adventures of Gulliver, a man who finds himself first as a feared giant in a world of tiny people and then as a man of minuscule proportions in a country full of giants! ... czytaj dalej

T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought. Now everwhere I go there's... czytaj dalej

Magic Tree House #06 Afternoon on the Amazon
M. Osborne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This early chapter book series features a magical, book-filled tree house that transports two children back in time. "An entertaining blend of fact, farce and fantasy."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej

Beyond the Borders
Madsen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The contributors to this book challenge the usual boundaries of 'post-colonial' theory. Focusing on American literature, they examine how America's own imperial history has shaped the literatures that have... czytaj dalej

Mixtures & Compounds
K. Rogers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collectible series builds into a fascinating library of reference material, covering every aspect of Key Stage 2 science and beyond. When used in conjunction with www.usborne-quicklinks.com, the reader... czytaj dalej