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Loads More Lies To Tell Small Kids
A. Riley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Loads more laughs#8212;from the man who put the funny in Bunny Suicides Just when you were about to run out of lies to tell small children, the creator of the bestselling Bunny Suicides books is back with more... czytaj dalej

Alicia My Story
A. Appleman-Jurman Wydawnictwo: inne

After losing her entire family to the Nazis at age 13, Alicia Appleman-Jurman went on to save the lives of thousands of Jews, offering them her own courage and hope in a time of upheaval and tragedy. Not since... czytaj dalej

George Gissing, the Working Woman, and Urban Culture
E. Liggins Wydawnictwo: inne

George Gissing's work reflects his observations of fin-de-sičcle London life. Influenced by the French naturalist school, his realist representations of urban culture testify to the significance of the city... czytaj dalej

Dzieci z Fatimy
Mary Fabyan Windeatt Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Sandomierz

Książka ta to przepiękna opowieść o trójce dzieci, Łucji, Franciszku i Hiacyncie, którym dane było zobaczyć Najświętszą Maryję Pannę w małej miejscowości Fatima w Portugalii w 1917 roku. Mówi też o wielkim... czytaj dalej

Aristotle and Poetic Justice
Margaret Doody Wydawnictwo: inne

Kryminalna powieść antycznych Aten.... czytaj dalej

My Sister's Keeper
Picoult Wydawnictwo: inne

Written with grace, wisdom, and sensitivity, this novel is about a teen who was conceived as a bone marrow match for her sister Kate, and what happens when she begins to question who she really is. ... czytaj dalej

Berlin Blues
S. Regener Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

It's 1989 and, whenever he isn't hanging out in the local bars, Herr Lehmann lives entirely free of responsibility in the bohemian Berlin district of Kreuzberg. Through years of judicious sidestepping and heroic... czytaj dalej

Dune Messiah
F. Herbert Wydawnictwo: inne

The second book in the "Dune" series follows further political and religious intrigues on the desert planet of Arrakis. ... czytaj dalej

Usborne Book of Animal Facts
T. Gibson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Unusual facts are brought to life by amusing comparisons, stunningly realistic artwork, and humorous cartoons in this book about the animal world. Maps and lists give summaries of the record-breakers of the... czytaj dalej

Emergency Room
C. Cooney Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Packed with suspense and edge-of-the-seat excitement, this gripping drama takes readers hour-by-hour to the heart of a city hospital and the war zone called the Emergency Room as seen through the eyes of two teenage volunteers.... czytaj dalej