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Murderous Methods Using Forensic Science to Solve Lethal
M. Benecke Wydawnictwo: inne

How did a piece of wood lead investigators in the Lindbergh kidnapping case to Bruno Hauptmann? Who, besides O. J. Simpson, knows something about the death of his ex-wife? And, just who was the "Vampire... czytaj dalej

Blaue Wunder
I. Kurthy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Ich fühle mich wie 15. Leider sehe ich nicht so aus."... czytaj dalej

Collector Collector
Tibor Fischer Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

To a small flat in South London comes a Sumerian bowl, but the bowl is the Collector Collector, clay with something to say, an object d'art who will offer Rosa, its owner, vast swathes of unrecorded history... czytaj dalej

Death in a Strange Country
D. Leon Wydawnictwo: inne

Early one morning Guido Brunetti, commissario of the Venetian police, confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of the fetid Venetian canal. All the clues point to a violent mugging... czytaj dalej

Last Place on Earth Scott & Amundsen's Race to the South Pol
Huntford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the South Pole was the most coveted prize in the fiercely nationalistic modern age of exploration. In this brilliant dual biography, the award-winning writer Roland... czytaj dalej

Barn Owls
T. Johnston Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This rhyming book, with lush color illustrations, tells the story about a family of owls who live in a redwood barn. ... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Stay Out of the Basement
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Margaret and Casey's scientist father works very hard. He's been spending a lot of time on plant experiments in their basement, and he doesn't like to be disturbed. But Margaret can't help but investigate when... czytaj dalej

Soldier's Heart
G. Paulsen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In June 1861, when the Civil War began, Charley Goddard left his farm and enlisted in the First Minnesota Volunteers. He was fifteen. He didn't rightly know what a 'shooting war' meant, or what he was fighting... czytaj dalej

Tears of Sheba
Al Salami Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Loyalty, honour, murder, Bedouin, family feuds and survival in a setting reminiscent of the Arabian Nights Yemen in the 1960s was a society where loyalty, blood ties and honour meant everything, yet murder... czytaj dalej

Firefly Friend (Level B)
K. Klier Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Rookie Reader titles feature full-color illustrations and engaging stories that always involve a young child figuring out concepts or solving problems on his or her own. Great for guided reading.... czytaj dalej