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Just as celebrated columnist Katie Kiernan thinks life is over, it suddenly arrives on her doorstep in the shape of her sister Michelle, and all the intrigue she brings with her. Friction, resentment and old... czytaj dalej
What did the presidents of the United States do for fun? What were their favorite foods? What were their nicknames and favorite pets? And how did they take care of their hair? Every U.S. president is the focus... czytaj dalej
The observatory on the moon has the proof. Life on earth will be incinerated in April 2037 by a massive solar flare. It is building down and it is unstoppable. With only 18 months until doomsday mankind must... czytaj dalej
The Baudelaire siblings have just become orphans and find their lives greatly changed. Despite the misadventures that befall these interesting, intelligent, resourceful children, you can trust that the engaging... czytaj dalej
The second book in the "Dune" series follows further political and religious intrigues on the desert planet of Arrakis. ... czytaj dalej
This collection of Szymborska's work reveals her to be concerned with the unglamorized actualities of the human condition. She is one of a generation of Polish poets which witnessed the years of Soviet oppression... czytaj dalej
Edited now for the first time by Duncan Wu, it provides students and general readers alike with an approachable introduction to Wordsworth's greatest work.... czytaj dalej
George Gissing's work reflects his observations of fin-de-sičcle London life. Influenced by the French naturalist school, his realist representations of urban culture testify to the significance of the city... czytaj dalej
What's the best part of Madonna: An Intimate Biography? The sex part! According to author J. Randy Taraborrelli, Madonna tried to insure her breasts for $6 million each. Prince dumped her because "he wanted... czytaj dalej
Powieść Grahama Joyce`a, zwycięzcy British Fantasy Award za najlepszą powieść.... czytaj dalej