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What God Wants
N. Walsh Wydawnictwo: inne

A major and powerful addition to the international best-selling Conversations with God series. Our species has been trying to determine what it is that puts us in good standing with God, earning us a place... czytaj dalej

Appointment in Samarra
J. O'Hara Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Appointment in Samarra is the first and most widely read book by the writer Fran Lebowitz called 'the real F. Scott Fitzgerald.'' In December 1930, just before Christmas, the Gibbsville social circuit is electrified... czytaj dalej

Chart Throb
Elton Wydawnictwo: inne

Chart Throb.The ultimate pop quest. Ninety five thousand hopefuls. Three judges. Just one winner. And that's Calvin Simms, the genius behind the show. Calvin always wins because Calvin writes the rules. But... czytaj dalej

Greatest Muhammad Ali
Walter Myers Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Muhammad Ali's accomplishments, both inside and out of the boxing ring, have earned him a singular place in history as one of the most inspiring figures of the twentieth century. Award-winning author Walter... czytaj dalej

Close Encounters with Twenty Israeli Writes
E. Negev Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of biographies is the first of its kind, as Israeli literature is almost devoid of author biographies. They are arranged chronologically and cover a hundred years of Israeli literature; the... czytaj dalej

Salamander Cotton
Kunzmann Richard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A wealthy ex-farmer is brutally murdered in suburban Johannesburg. Why does his estranged wife not seem surprised, and insist that the killer will be found in the Northern Cape? That is where the victim's plantations... czytaj dalej

Devices and Desires
K. Parker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When an engineer is sentenced to death for a petty transgression of guild law, he flees the city, leaving behind his wife and daughter. Forced into exile, he seeks a terrible vengeance - one that will leave... czytaj dalej

Nosorożce w dorożce
polscy autorzy Wydawnictwo: Publicat

14 krótkich historyjek polskich poetów i bajkopisarzy.... czytaj dalej

Poświęcone biciu serca
Selim Babułłaogłu Wydawnictwo: inne

Lektura wierszy Selima Babułłaogłu przywołuje z głębi pamięci jakieś dawne, zapomniane wzruszenia i wzbogaca je nowymi doznaniami. Oryginalne obrazowanie, zmysł ironii i zaskakujące spostrzeżenia poety, zaciekawionego... czytaj dalej

Templar legacy
Berry Steve Wydawnictwo: inne

"In the style of Robert Ludlum, packed with murky action and protagonists whose lives are constantly threatened... Berry does a good job. And for fans of Sudoku, he provides a bonus-cryptograms and clues... czytaj dalej