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Book of the Film of the Story of My Life
Brandt Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Frederick Case is a 42-year-old New Zealand film-maker failing in London. He's separated from his wife, Sophie Carlisle, an actress who has run off with super-stud actor Matt Chalmers, her co-star in the smash... czytaj dalej

Fire in the Flint
C. Robb Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Margaret Kerr of Perth is living in Edinburgh with her uncle Murdoch during the summer of 1297. She'd come to search for her long-absent husband who is in the service of Robert the Bruce. Margaret herself is... czytaj dalej

Lake of Dead Languages
Goodman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Twenty years ago, Jane Hudson left the Heart Lake School for Girls in the Adirondacks after a terrible tragedy. Now she has returned to the school as a Latin teacher, recently separated and hoping to make a... czytaj dalej

Learning Curve
Nathan Wydawnictwo: inne

The captivating new novel from the bestselling author of The Nanny...Nicky Hobbs loves teaching at the local primary school. She#8217;s idolized by her class #8212; in particular tenyear-old Oscar Samuels #8212;... czytaj dalej

Eat Me
Linda Jaivin Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Julia is a photographer; Chantal edits a fashion magazine; Helen is an academic, and Philippa is writing a novel. The best of friends, they meet at trendy cafes and restaurants to eye the passing talent and... czytaj dalej

Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company
C. Chambers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the inside story of the Royal Shakespeare Company - a running historical critique of a major national institution and its location within British culture, as related by a writer uniquely placed to tell... czytaj dalej

Secrets of Droon #15 the Moon Scroll
T. Abbott Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Eric, Julie, and Neal discover an enchanted stairway in Eric's basement, which turns out to be a portal to the magical and troubled world of Droon. It's a wondrous place where adventure is always close at hand.... czytaj dalej

Good Luck Charlie
J. Kramer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Rookie Reader titles feature full-color illustrations and engaging stories that always involve a young child figuring out concepts or solving problems on his or her own. Great for guided reading.... czytaj dalej

Lotus Grows in the Mud
Hawn Wydawnictwo: inne

This title is a "Sunday Times" Bestseller. In "A Lotus Grows in the Mud", Goldie Hawn takes us on an inspiring odyssey and, with her trademark effervescent humour, reveals the lessons she's... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia Brown's Book of Strange But True Crimes
D. Sobol Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The famous boy detective's collection of more than 200 strange, comical, true crimes. Illustrated with cartoons.... czytaj dalej