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Dark Star
A. Furst Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Paris, Moscow, Berlin, and Prague, 1937. In the back alleys of nighttime Europe, war is already under way. André Szara, survivor of the Polish pogroms and the Russian civil wars and a foreign correspondent... czytaj dalej

Littles Get Trapped!
J. Peterson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

While the Bigg family is away, no one is around to feed Hildy the cat. The Littles decide itšs up to them to see tat Hildy doesnšt starve. Tom thinks of an ingenious way to get the food out of the refrigerator... czytaj dalej

Loads More Lies To Tell Small Kids
A. Riley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Loads more laughs#8212;from the man who put the funny in Bunny Suicides Just when you were about to run out of lies to tell small children, the creator of the bestselling Bunny Suicides books is back with more... czytaj dalej

Amateur Marriage
A. Tyler Wydawnictwo: inne

Michael and Pauline seemed like the perfect couple -- young, good-looking, made for each other. The moment she walked into his mothers grocery store in the Polish neighbourhood of Baltimore, he was smitten... czytaj dalej

Hunting Cockroaches & Other Plays
J. Głowacki Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Highly theatrical and often hilarious works concern the immigrant experience of the Easter European in America, the struggles of the individual in a repressive state, and the manipulations of political and social power.... czytaj dalej

Omówienia lektur i wierszy dla I klasy gimnazjum
Zarych Elżbieta Wydawnictwo: Zielona Sowa

Omówienia lektur i wierszy zgodne z programem nauczania Szczegółowe (historia powstania, wydanie, treść, problematyka, budowa) i przejrzyste opracowanie utworów Biblia Mitologia grecka i rzymska Charakterystyki... czytaj dalej

Halting State
Stross Charles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SynopsisIt was called in as a robbery at Hayek Associates, an online game company. So you can imagine Sergeant Sue Smith's mood as she watches the video footage of the heist being carried out by a band of orcs... czytaj dalej

Smoking Poppy
Graham Joyce Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Powieść Grahama Joyce`a, zwycięzcy British Fantasy Award za najlepszą powieść.... czytaj dalej

The Ravenscar Dynasty
Bradford Barbara Taylor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

On a bitterly cold day in 1904, the Deravenel family's future changes for ever. When Cecily Deravenel tells her 18-year-old son Edward of the death of his father, brother and cousins in a fire, a part of him... czytaj dalej

Blow the House Down
Baer Robert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Former CIA operative Robert Baer pushes fiction to the absolute limit in this riveting and unnervingly plausible alternative history of 9/11.Veteran CIA officer Max Waller has long been obsessed with the abduction... czytaj dalej