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In these nine stories, Rushdie looks at what happens when East meets West, at the forces that pull his characters first in one direction, then the other.... czytaj dalej
Alex Delaware#8217;s relationship with his longterm partner is on the rocks. He is floored when Robin announces she's heading off on a three-month music tour. But he soon has other things to think about. He... czytaj dalej
Illustrated in colour throughout, this is a collection of the most well-known and well-loved stories fro m the Bible. Chosen from the Old and New Testament, each one has been specially selected and retold to... czytaj dalej
Written by one of America's most distinguished authors, Lloyd Alexander has received 2 Lifetime Achievement Awards for Children's literature.Already enjoyed in America, this book is part of a classic high-fantasy... czytaj dalej
Olaf Stapledon, philosopher, novelist, educator and social activist, had an imagination unlike that of any other figure in modernist literature. This broad anthology includes a generous sample of his fictional... czytaj dalej
Urodzona w Londynie Szulamit Szefer, wykładowca biblistyki, dowiaduje się, że stary rodzinny dom w Jerozolimie, miejsce, w którym w młodości spędzała wakacje, ma zostać rozebrany. Wiedziona nostalgią za rodzinnym... czytaj dalej
A charming, imaginative story full od memorable characters; delightfully read... czytaj dalej
Humorystyczna rozmowa autorek pomaga znaleźć w nas samych nie tylko znaki zapytania, ale i wykrzykniki. Odpowiedzi możecie wypisać sami na marginesie książki...... czytaj dalej
'There are few other Bible stories with so much drama and action, narrative fireworks and raw emotion, as we find in the tale of Samson: the battle with the lion; the three hundred burning foxes; the women... czytaj dalej
The past several decades have seen an explosion of interest in narrative, with this multifaceted object of inquiry becoming a central concern in a wide range of disciplinary fields and research contexts. As... czytaj dalej