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Ghoul School Bus
D. Orme Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hop aboard the ghoul school bus and meet the ghastly characters in this collection of "gruesome" poems. ... czytaj dalej

Ringworld's Children
L. Niven Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Ringworld is dying. And this time even Louis Wu - captive of the hyper-intelligent alien Tunesmith - may be unable to save it. Even if Louis can escape he will then have to survive in a galaxy ravaged by... czytaj dalej

Rutherfurd Wydawnictwo: inne

Bestselling author Edward Rutherfurd has lived in Dublin for the past decade. His meticulously researched and groundbreaking epic novel is both the story of Dublin and that of Ireland. ... czytaj dalej

P. Cornwell Wydawnictwo: inne

Now freelancing from south Florida, Dr. Kay Scarpetta returns to Richmond, Virginia, the city that turned its back on her five years ago. Investigating the death of a young girl, she must follow the twisting... czytaj dalej

Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope
Windham Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Luke Skywalker. Han Solo. Princess Leia. The beginning of the Star Wars saga, in an amazing all-new novelization that will tie in with the blockbuster classic Star Wars DVD release.... czytaj dalej

Alicia My Story
A. Appleman-Jurman Wydawnictwo: inne

After losing her entire family to the Nazis at age 13, Alicia Appleman-Jurman went on to save the lives of thousands of Jews, offering them her own courage and hope in a time of upheaval and tragedy. Not since... czytaj dalej

Horse & His Boy book 3 Chronicles of Narnia
C. Lewis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Shasta discovers he is not the son of Arsheesh, the alormene fisherman, and decides to run far away to the North-to Narnia. Shasta is led to discover who he really is and even finds his real father.... czytaj dalej

Pumpkin Pumpkin
Titherington Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Jamie plants a pumpkin seed and, after watching it grow, carves it, and saves some seeds to plant in the spring. ... czytaj dalej

Everybody Cooks Rice
Norah Dooley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

As Carrie looks for her brother to fetch him home for dinner, she tastes a little of her neighbors' delicious meals-Haitian, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican, Indian, and more-and finds they all cook rice! Recipes are included.... czytaj dalej

Bursztynowa 4- Dziękuję
Grzegorz Kaczmarzyk Wydawnictwo: Edycja Świętego Pawła

Są tacy, którzy bez słów, bez rozgłosu, w milczeniu czynią nieskończenie wiele dobrego. Nieraz ich życzliwe spojrzenie i uśmiech więcej znaczą niż udany dialog. Zawsze mają czas, nie spieszą się i są, gdy ktoś... czytaj dalej