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Sadies life is calm and complete. She is a mother, a good friend, and the robust survivor of a marriage she deliberately left behind. She has come to believe that she has everything she wants, or deserves.... czytaj dalej
She's just a New York City girl living with her artist mom...News Flash: Dad is prince of Genovia. (So that's why a limo meets her at the airport!)Downer: Dad can't have any more kids. (So no heir to the throne... czytaj dalej
Narnia has been at peace since Peter, Susan, Lucy and Edmund helped rid the kingdom of the evil White Witch. But the Sons of Adam and the Daughters of Eve have returned to their own world and a dark presence... czytaj dalej
Benjamin, Alepho and Benson were raised among the Dinka tribe of Sudan. Their world was an insulated, close-knit community of grass-roofed cottages, cattle herders and tribal councils. The lions and pythons... czytaj dalej
With Iran on the brink of developing a nuclear weapon, Israel is forced to react. But by destroying Iran's main nuclear facility, creating a radioactive tomb and an environmental disaster, Israel has triggered... czytaj dalej
This book covers Julia's life, and charts her travels throughout the Empire from Aswan to York during a period of profound upheaval, seeking the truth about this woman who inspired such extreme and contrasting... czytaj dalej
Książka przedstawia na europejskim tle porównawczym polski ideał osobowości, wcielony w figurę Herosa oraz ukazuje aktualność dramatów Słowackiego, które eksponują bliską współczesnemu odbiorcy problematykę maski i roli.... czytaj dalej
Phenomenally prolific and inventive, Michaels writes traditional romances and romantic suspense, and hit it big with her Revenge of the Sisterhood series about a secret group of women vigilantes. Led by Myra... czytaj dalej
Hattie and Martyn are a decent, hard-working, ecologically-minded young couple ? partners with a new baby, bickering over whether they should get married or not and how to arrange their lives in a morally sustainable... czytaj dalej
Miło dostać w prezencie coś ładnego, miło też sprawić komuś taki prezencik... Tyle okazji, tylu znajomych! Co tu wymyślić, co tu im kupić? Wciąż potrzebujemy niebanalnych prezentów. Dlatego możesz odetchnąć... czytaj dalej