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Henry & Mudge & the Sneaky Crackers Sixteenth Book
Rylant Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With a secret code and a magnifying glass from his new spy kit, Henry is all set for a great spy adventure. His dog Mudge is a master of disguise in his spy hat, and together they're traveling incognito, ready... czytaj dalej

Story of A Fierce Bad Rabbit
B. Potter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

To celebrate Peter's birthday, Frederick Warne is publishing new editions of all 23 of Potter's original tales, which take the very first printings of Potter's works as their guide. The aim of these editions... czytaj dalej

Almost French
S. Turnbull Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The charming true story of a spirited young woman who finds adventure -- and the love of her life -- in Paris.'This isn't like me. I'm not the sort of girl who crosses continents to meet up with a man she hardly... czytaj dalej

Now We Are Six
Milne A.A. Wydawnictwo: Egmont

Now We Are Six is A.A.Milne's second book of verses about Christopher Robin, who is a little older now, and of course, Winnie-the-Pooh, who wouldn't like to be forgotten.... czytaj dalej

Aleksis czyli traktat o daremnych
Yourcenar Marguerite Wydawnictwo: Sic!

"Aleksis, czyli traktat o daremnych zmaganiach" ukazał się w roku 1929, trafif akurat na ten moment, kiedy temat, od wiekówzakazany zarówno w lieraturze jak i w obyczajach, mógł już znależć sobie... czytaj dalej

Inna Europa
Olędzka Frybesowa Aleksandra Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Tom zawiera zbiór wierszy Aleksandry Olędzkiej-Frybesowej.... czytaj dalej

M. Gardiner Wydawnictwo: inne

For Evan Delaney, China Lake was a tough place to grow up. But she didn't realise just how tough until, returning to the desert military base for her high school reunion, she discovers that a disturbing number... czytaj dalej

Queen of Sorcery book two of THE BELGARIAD
D. Eddings Wydawnictwo: inne

The master Sorcerer Belgarath and his daughter Polgara the arch-Sorceress were on the trail of the Orb, seeking to regain its saving power before the final disaster prophesized by the legends. And with them... czytaj dalej

Skywriting A Life Out of the Blue
J. Pauley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beloved broadcast journalist Jane Pauley tells a remarkable story of self-discovery and of an extra-ordinary life, from her childhood in the American heartland to her three decades in television. Pauley writes... czytaj dalej

Masque de la Mort Rouge et Autres Nouvelles Fantastiques(98)
Edgar Poe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

? Le personnage était grand et décharné, et enveloppé d'un suaire de la tete aux pieds. Le masque qui cachait le visage représentait si bien la physionomie d'un cadavre raidi, que l'analyse la plus minutieuse... czytaj dalej