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Operations Strategy
Bryan Waters Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Are you looking for a book that will provide you with a fresh approach to Operations Strategy? If the answer is yes, then this is the book you should read. Waters' approach takes the view that operations strategy... czytaj dalej

Beyond Degrees Professional Lerning for Knowledge Services
G. Clair Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book gives a unique view of the current hot topic of continuing professional development / lifelong learning in the information services environment. It aims to provide the reader with guidelines for conceptualizing... czytaj dalej

Management Information Systems
Haag Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chapters cover what instructors want students to know about MIS while Extended Learning Modules (XLMs) show students what they can do with MIS. A contemporary writing style and a wealth of examples engage students... czytaj dalej

Operations Management for Competitive Advantage With Stud dv
Chase Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jacobs and Chase continue to lead the field of Operations Management with cutting edge up to date content, technology, and motivation.... czytaj dalej

Design for Six Sigma Statistics
A. Sleeper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In today's competitive environment, companies can no longer produce goods and services that are merely good with low defect levels, they have to be near-perfect. Design for Six Sigma Statistics is a rigorous... czytaj dalej

Stock Valuation
Hoover Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A critical, practical look at the five stock valuation models most widely used by Wall Street Based on insights from the author's unique access to top investors, including legendary mutual fund manager Bill... czytaj dalej

Real Estate Coach
B. Sugars Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the international go-to guys in small business know-how: Your source for the strategies, skills and confidence every business owner needs to succeed. Remember what it was like learning how to ride a... czytaj dalej

Learning for Action
P. Checkland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

After an explanation of the book#8217;s purpose, the authors provide in Part 1 first an overview of SSM as a whole, then a fleshed-out account with just enough detail and advice to enable the reader to set... czytaj dalej

Derivatives Demystified
A. Chisholm Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book is a step-by-step guide to derivative products. By distilling the complex mathematics and theory that underlie the subject, Chisholm explains derivative products in straightforward terms, focusing... czytaj dalej

Information Technology for Management
Turban Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Information Technology for Management, Second Edition Update, shows readers how to harness the power of today's information technologies for strategic advantage.' 'With a strong focus on managerial issues,... czytaj dalej