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How to Get into Advertising 2e
Andrea Neidle Wydawnictwo: inne

The advertising industry is a notoriously difficult industry to break into. Its mystique is further obscured by the lack of information available to help prospective employees. This book destroys all the myths... czytaj dalej

New Enterpreneus Guidebook
Paul McClure Wydawnictwo: inne

Even the largest multinational companies need people with entrepreneurial spirit and ideas. While this book is aimed primarily at those looking to start up their own business it has lessons for anyone looking... czytaj dalej

Britain & Euroland
Stephen Haseler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the introduction of the euro on 1 January 1999, there has been lively debate in the UK among politicians and the media as to the pros and cons of Economic and Monetary Union. Should the UK join Euroland... czytaj dalej

Qualitative Indicators of Labour Standards
D. Kucera Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recent years have witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the use and construction of "qualitative" indicators of labour standards. Qualitative indicators, while generally having numerical values... czytaj dalej

HRM & Personnel Practice a Comprehensive Guide to Theory & P
Bach Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best selling Personnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides an authoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field for students and professionals... czytaj dalej

Market Research Toolbox
E. McQuarrie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An ideal resource for those who want to conduct market research but have little experience in doing so, The Market Research Toolbox describes how to think of market research in the context of making a business... czytaj dalej

Unmanageable Consumer
Y. Gabriel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`This book was radically challenging when it was first published, and is only more so today as the concept of consumer collapses under the weight of its many meanings' - Madeleine Bunting, Columnist, The... czytaj dalej

International Trade & Political Institutions
F. McGillivray Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This work presents a study of trade politics, including theoretically rigorous historical analysis of international political economy and four important case studies. The book links the fields of economics... czytaj dalej

Location Travel & Information Technology Selected Essays
Nijkamp Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This important book collects together Peter Nijkamp's work on spatial-economic markets, particularly housing and labour markets, and the increasing impact of information technology on mobility and the location... czytaj dalej

Growth Industrial Organisation & Economic Generalities
W. Baumol Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Reading this collection, one is reminded not only of the breadth of Baumol's contributions to economics, but also of how fine a writer he can be. The explorations of entrepreneurship and growth are particularly... czytaj dalej