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From Ingrid Bens, the author of the best-selling book Facilitating with Ease!, comes the next-step resource for project leaders, managers, community leaders, teachers, and other facilitators who want to hone... czytaj dalej
The Ask is a complete resource for teaching anyone#8212;experienced in fundraising or not#8212;how to ask individuals, in person, for a contribution to for a local nonprofit or a special event or community... czytaj dalej
Covering the principles, techniques and methods involved in cost accountancy, this text provides coverage of professional and college syllabuses for cost accountancy. In the first part of the book there is... czytaj dalej
Designing and Delivering Training is designed for students of the CIPD PDS module in Designing and Delivering Training and is ideal for anyone wanting an understanding and overview of the subject. The book... czytaj dalej
This user-friendly reference analyzes the basis of every manufacturing enterprise as they relate to the shop floor, the 'Two Knows' (know how to make the product, and know the time it takes to make it) and... czytaj dalej
The book offers important insight relevant to Corporate, Government and Global organizations management in general. The internationally recognised authors tackle vital issues in decision making, how organizational... czytaj dalej
'. . . this is an excellent volume. The authors raise a number of important questions that extend beyond the particulars of the public-private partnerships that exist now, and address broader questions of the... czytaj dalej
Terutomo Ozawa examines Japan's once celebrated post-war economic success from a new perspective. He applies a 'flying geese' model of industrial upgrading in a country that is still catching-up, to explore... czytaj dalej
Ciekawe, że uderzająca liczba właścicieli znanych firm, przedsiębiorców, ludzi kreatywnych, zawodowych sportowców oraz CEO wielkich spółek wychowała się jako dzieci samotnych rodziców, przeważnie samotnych... czytaj dalej
Global Marketing Management prepares the reader to become an effective manager, overseeing global marketing activities in an increasingly competitive environment. The approach presents marketing with an interdisciplinary... czytaj dalej