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'This volume makes a valuable contribution to understanding the variety and complexity of reforms and their impacts.'- Mark Harvey, Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations'Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart... czytaj dalej
'This is a very valuable and timely book that provides insightful factual and methodological perspectives on the co-evolution of agriculture and the environment in an era of trade liberalization and environmental... czytaj dalej
'This edited volume adeptly analyzes some of the most salient challenges that face water managers and policy makers: balancing private and public sector roles in water allocation, protecting environmental values... czytaj dalej
In recent decades participatory approaches to forest management have been introduced around the world. This book assesses their implementation in the highly politicized environments of India and Nepal. The... czytaj dalej
Building on the success of the Second Edition with 19 new chapters, Managing Innovation and Change showcases the best work of thinkers writing in this area and provides a coherent picture of key ideas and concepts... czytaj dalej
This new book investigates how the relationships of international business networks (one buyer-multiple buyers) develop over time, looking at the geographical angle as well as an actor composition point of... czytaj dalej
"The Art of Connecting is filled with real-life examples of people handling potentially awkward or difficult relationships in everyday situations. There are also intriguing and uplifting stories of truly... czytaj dalej
Ghana was one of the first African countries to adopt a comprehensive IMF reform program and the one that has sustained adjustment longest. Yet, questions of Ghana's compliance - to what extent did it comply... czytaj dalej
A pioneering work in the social studies of finance describes how the emergence of modern finance theory has affected financial markets in fundamental ways - as an engine that shapes them rather than a camera... czytaj dalej
Emphasis on Key Trends: This edition expands its discussion of key trends such as ethics social responsibility, global strategy, cultural diversity are having on the practice of strategic management... czytaj dalej