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Business Information Management
Chaffey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Business Information Management takes a problem-solving approach, by highlighting the issues faced by managers in identifying, capturing and systematising information in order to improve organisational performance... czytaj dalej

Regions Land Consumption & Sustainable Growth
O. Atzema Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book provides an in-depth investigation of the role of the private and public sectors in land markets and regional economics, and explores the reasons behind government intervention in the interests of... czytaj dalej

Copyright & Other Fairy Tales
Helle Porsdam Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is not a lighthearted book, but rather an inspiring tale that challenges the development of copyright. A detailed historical analysis of copyright leads to fundamental questions about the role of copyright... czytaj dalej

Corporate Financial Risk Management
R. Nersesian Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What if you could understand financial risk management without immersing yourself in high-level mathematics? In this straightforward, readable guide--which requires only a working familiarity with financial... czytaj dalej

Enterpreneurship & Small Firms
D. Deakins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The fourth edition of this text continues to cover entrepreneurial and small firm theory, concepts, evidence, policy and practice. This fully updated edition contains the latest research developments as well... czytaj dalej

Book Business
J. Epstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jason Epstein has led arguably the most creative career in American book publishing during the past half-century. Here he discusses the severe crisis facing the book business today, affecting writers and readers... czytaj dalej

Preventing Fraud in Nonprofit Organizations
E. Mcmillan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

IS YOUR NONPROFIT VULNERABLE TO FRAUD? Fraud or embezzlement discovered within a major corporation ultimately leads to front-page scandals and a few raised eyebrows. But the mere suggestion or evidence of... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Mangement W/Upgrade CD 3e
Griffin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Third Edition combines a focused overview of recent scholarship with a practical approach to key functional areas (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling). To promote active skill-building throughout... czytaj dalej

M. Lindstrom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Brandchild is a unique exploration of how 8-14 year-olds relate to consumer brands. It compares their behaviours and preferences and looks at the trends that influence them. The information in the book is based... czytaj dalej

Running Board Meetings
Dunne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Not only on target, its also amusing. A rare combination." -- Professor Jay Lorsch, Harvard Business School ... czytaj dalej