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Introduction to the Structural Econometrics
H. Paarsch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An introductory treatment that integrates and evaluates recent advances in the field by providing a common notation and a simple theoretical model within which to identify and to estimate commonly-encountered... czytaj dalej

Taxation, Incomplete Markets, and Social Security
P. Diamond Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this book, Peter Diamond analyzes social security as a particular example of optimal taxation theory. Assuming a world of incomplete markets and asymmetric information, he uses a variety of simple models... czytaj dalej

Economic Effects of Constitutions
T. Persson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The authors of The Economic Effects of Constitutions use econometric tools to study what they call the "missing link" between constitutional systems and economic policy; the book is an uncompromisingly... czytaj dalej

Business Information Management
Chaffey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Business Information Management takes a problem-solving approach, by highlighting the issues faced by managers in identifying, capturing and systematising information in order to improve organisational performance... czytaj dalej

Regions Land Consumption & Sustainable Growth
O. Atzema Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book provides an in-depth investigation of the role of the private and public sectors in land markets and regional economics, and explores the reasons behind government intervention in the interests of... czytaj dalej

Copyright & Other Fairy Tales
Helle Porsdam Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is not a lighthearted book, but rather an inspiring tale that challenges the development of copyright. A detailed historical analysis of copyright leads to fundamental questions about the role of copyright... czytaj dalej

Innovation Learning & Technological Dynamism Of Developing
S. Mani Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Developing countries have not normally been associated with the dynamic use and development of technologies, partly because most continue to employ and reproduce technologies that are generated elsewhere. However... czytaj dalej

Economic Foundations of Strategy
J. Mohoney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Economic Foundations of Strategy helps clarify the theoretical foundations of management strategy. It identifies five theories of particular importance to the strategy field, and outlines the contributions... czytaj dalej

Corporate Financial Risk Management
R. Nersesian Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What if you could understand financial risk management without immersing yourself in high-level mathematics? In this straightforward, readable guide--which requires only a working familiarity with financial... czytaj dalej

Modelling the Costs of Environmental Policy
R. Dellink Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'In this book, Rob Dellink shows he is a skillful applied modeller of environment-economy interactions. The DEAN model that is developed is innovative in its treatment of environmental resources, careful in... czytaj dalej