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Power & Organizations
S. Clegg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"This book offers a comprehensive genealogy of power and organizations. It outlines the complex tapestry of ideas, traditions of thought and empirical research, which constitute the ???state of the art... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Organization Studies
S. Clegg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this overview of research in organization studies, Clegg (U. of Technology, Sydney, Australia) et al. compile 30 chapters by contributors in the fields of business, management, organizational studies, and... czytaj dalej

Qualitive Research in Information Systems
M. Myers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Qualitative research has become a legitimate approach within the information systems community, but researchers have traditionally drawn upon material from the social sciences given the absence of a single... czytaj dalej

Advanced Facilitation Strategies
I. Bens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From Ingrid Bens, the author of the best-selling book Facilitating with Ease!, comes the next-step resource for project leaders, managers, community leaders, teachers, and other facilitators who want to hone... czytaj dalej

Thiagi's 100 Favorite Games
S. Thiagarajan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thiagi#8217;s 100 Favorite Gamesis an exciting new resource from Sivasailam #8220;Thiagi#8221; Thiagarajan, who is acknowledged as the world#8217;s foremost authority on interactive learning. This is a first-of-its-kind... czytaj dalej

Health Policy Research in South Asia
A. Yazbeck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book showcases some of the innovative qualitative and quantitative research methodologies being used in South Asia to provide empirical guidance for health sector reform and policy development. The four... czytaj dalej

Costing 6e
Terry Lucey Wydawnictwo: inne

Covering the principles, techniques and methods involved in cost accountancy, this text provides coverage of professional and college syllabuses for cost accountancy. In the first part of the book there is... czytaj dalej

Annotated Timeline of Operations Research
S. Gass Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research: An informal history recounts the evolution of Operations Research (OR) as a new science - the science of decision making. Arising from the urgent operational issues... czytaj dalej

Conscience & Corporate Culture
K. Goodpaster Wydawnictwo: brak danych

To what ethical standards can we hold corporations? In the past few years, monumental corporate scandals have been emblazoned on every front page, but people have largely responded with ambivalence to events... czytaj dalej

Law & the State
Marciano Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Law and the State provides a political economy analysis of the legal functioning of a democratic state, illustrating how it builds on informational and legal constraints. It explains, in an organised and thematic... czytaj dalej