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Small Business Management 4e
David Stokes Wydawnictwo: inne

The new edition: updates the basic information (e.g. statistics, legislation, taxation); reports on recent research, especially on entrepreneurship; and adds new case studies, especially short studies for more... czytaj dalej

Organizational Innovations & Economic Growth
Sanidas Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Organizational innovations have taken second place to technical innovations in explaining sectoral and economic growth. This work redresses this imbalance by showing the long-run importance of organizational... czytaj dalej

Auditing & Assurance Services
T. Louwers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Upon publication, this text will be the most up-to-date auditing text on the market. Itżs been written so that it is current with all issues inherent in accounting and auditing practice, particularly in public... czytaj dalej

Risk Management & Insurance
Harrington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the 1990s, textbooks have begun to promote a stronger business risk management component while maintaining a consumer orientation. This work takes the next step, offering the essential aspects of insurance... czytaj dalej

How Buffett Does It 24 Simple Investing Strategies from the
Pardoe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Warren Buffett is arguably the worldżs greatest investor. His Berkshire Hathaway stock, issued at $450 per share, is now trading at an all time high of $94,000+! Buffett has his own unique investing style:... czytaj dalej

Did You Spot the Gorilla
Wiseman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In a recent series of ground-breaking psychological experiments, volunteers were shown a 30-second film of some people playing basketball and told to count the number of passes made with the ball. After just... czytaj dalej

Managing Today
S. Robbins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Introduction to Management and courses that combine management and organizational behavior.This unique, re-engineered text defines and describes the new "paradigm" brought on by recent... czytaj dalej

Information Systems Foundation of E-Business
S. Alter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For MIS/IS courses for upper undergraduate and MBA.Information Systems, 4/E, emphasizes the essential role of information systems in the works systems through which today's businesses operate. Understanding... czytaj dalej

Warrior Politics Why Leadership Demands Pagan Ethos
Robert Kaplan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Warrior Politics, the esteemed journalist and analyst Robert D. Kaplan explores the wisdom of the ages for answers for today#8217;s leaders. While the modern world may seem more complex and dangerous than... czytaj dalej

Business Orchestration
J. Wallin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Digital convergence is redefining industries, and putting information, knowledge and collaboration at the heart of strategic leadership and management. In the face of such change it is those leaders who can... czytaj dalej